Following 44 Tea Drinkers

albertocanfly 99 followers

Tea is a new hobby of mine. The crazy amount of available teas is amazing and...

greenteafairy 122 followers

Likes: greens, dark oolongs, genmaicha, fruity greens and oolongs, chai, matc...

tantonino 52 followers

I don’t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it. I am a 21 year old ...

Ysaurella 278 followers

First, please forgive me for my English and all the grammatical mistakes you’...

Shae 256 followers

Lifetime student. Lover of books and paper and ink. Kitchen dweller. Aspirin...

LiberTEAS 1040 followers

I am obsessed with tea! I am a co-founder of the SororiTEA Sisters: http://so...

Fjellrev 331 followers

Anlina 205 followers

I grew up drinking jasmine green tea with meals, but really fell in love with...

Butiki Teas 582 followers

My taste for tea started at an early age. As a child, I would frequently enj...

leaf in hot water 49 followers

finding myself in hot water again and again… I grew up in a tea drinking cult...



My Time Lord name is the Brewmaster. Currently working on People Of Who, an exhibition of portraits of the people who made Doctor Who happen. Professional dilettante. Literary enthusiast, frustrated sometime writer. Knitter of things.


Probably a small grey sofa in Oxford


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