149 Tasting Notes
Yum! I really like this tea. Rhubarb-y tartness with smooth vanilla and some flavour I don’t know how to describe that seems to be from the hops. The malty keemun base pairs really well with the flavourings; I can taste it but neither the base nor the flavourings cancel each other out and complement each other nicely.
I think I prefer it cooled down as opposed to piping hot, which makes this a nice tea to drink while concentrating on homework, when I sometimes forget that I have tea in my mug until an hour later.
Dry leaf smells smoky and chocolatey. Strawberry scent comes out when steeped. It’s nicely balanced in flavour, but the smokiness can eventually overpower everything else when oversteeped. Overall, an enjoyable tea that is very reminiscent of Sherlock and Irene.
Quite bold, but still drinkable without additions. I think I prefer the Grandpa’s Anytime Tea as a morning CTC, though. This one’s a less bread-y, and I seem to enjoy that flavour in my breakfast teas. It’s ‘brighter’ than Grandpa’s Anytime, if that makes any sense.
Something tasted a bit… green, or something. Like a hint of some savoury vegetable. That was rather unexpected.
I brewed this at a bit below-boiling for about a minute and a half, and didn’t get any astringency at all. Pretty impressive.
I’m not a huge fan of Earl Greys, but I really enjoyed this one. The bergamot isn’t too strong but still packs a punch and the cream is very sweet and creamy. The two flavours balance each other out so nicely. I may even reorder this, once my tea box is under control.
I’m not sure if it’s me or the tea, but it tastes really odd to me. The first time I brewed it, it came off as chemical-y. This time, it tastes like cardboard with a green tea background. I’ll put it aside and give it one more try in the future, but if it doesn’t work out, I may have to bin it. :(