drank Oprah Chai Tea by Teavana
150 tasting notes

Backlog – I had this iced last night from Starbucks.

Hmmm… As a die hard TAZO Chai latte fan… when Starbucks launched their Oprah Chai, not only was I pretty irritated with them, but I was irritated that they had to pick HER to be the ambassador. I personally cannot stand Oprah. I find her whole deal to be pretty fake. As much as people say she’s made strides for women, race etc… sorry I just can’t stand her.

I initially felt this way about her Chai. There is an off-putting after taste that comes from both the hot and the cold version. I can also taste the rooibus which I don’t appreciate. I like rooibus, but on it’s own merit.

So why did I order this yesterday? Well because Starbucks is giving 4 stars to registered members if they order this. Marketing ploy to get the numbers up on this drink no doubt, but I’ll take the 4 stars and put it towards my typical TAZO Chai Latte.

I do find it’s to be spicy, but I also find the other flavours just do not go well together. I wish Starbucks wasn’t skirting TAZO under the rug. I feel like they refuse to acknowledge that the original tea company that made them famous to tea lovers is probably being phased out. How about… since Starbucks owns TAZO too… they just amalgamate the brand under Teavana, but keep their blends???

I digress… After having it twice in the last couple days, I still remain faithful to my TAZO Chai… I do not like the Oprah one. It tastes more generic and like every other coffee shop Chai latte out there.

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My passion for tea started at a very young age, thanks to my grandmothers beautiful china tea cup collection. I use to brew Tetley’s or whatever version of Orange Pekoe she had in the cupboard and pick out my favourite tea cup to use. It wasn’t until I was in my late teens that I really started to develop a passion for it. My town had the Urban Tea Merchant and it was there I was exposed to high tea and the very fancy Mariage Freres brand. When they switched over to The O Dor, my girlfriend and I found salvation in going for a lovely cup of tea and decompress with some tea scones.

It has since become an obsession. I have a tea cupboard, filled with a very large variety of teas. I also use the Breville Tea Maker to make my tea. I favour black teas, with a close second being North African Mint Green Tea. Because I have the luxury of working from home, I get to enjoy a wonderful cup of tea every morning, and the journey resets daily.


Vancouver, Canada

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