This sheng pu’er is fruity and light on the palate. I do not have the actual brick, instead I am using pieces sent in the 5 teas for $5 pack (excellent buy). The leaves are still in compacted pieces. I used about 5g of leaf to 6oz boiling water in a gaiwan. I gave the leaves a quick rinse then infused for 6s increasing by 3s each time. The aroma of the infused leaf is very fruity and reminiscent of berries and grapes. The liquor has the color of champagne and is clear (not bubbly I’m afraid). In the first infusion the flavor is very fruity. In successive infusions a more woody flavor comes out. Great young sheng pu’er sampler and comes in an excellent value pack from Verdant Tea.
Flavors: Berries, Fruity, Grapes, Wood