This is a nice, mellow, easy drinking young sheng. Thick, oily/brothy texture, low-moderate bitterness and astringency. It has a particularly strong mineral note to it. Moderate sugarcane sweetness balanced by a savory mushroom flavor. All of this with a nice floral orchid aroma. Later steeps develop some musk, citrus, and incense notes.

Flavors: Citrus, Floral, Mineral, Mushrooms, Sugarcane

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 90 ML

Curious, if this is as head stimulating as 2016. Not even sure if it the same exact tea but I loved the sample I got of the 2016 I had to buy a few cakes. Love the energy that hits the forehead almost instantly.


I didn’t notice much feeling from this one, but it was a quick little session.

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Curious, if this is as head stimulating as 2016. Not even sure if it the same exact tea but I loved the sample I got of the 2016 I had to buy a few cakes. Love the energy that hits the forehead almost instantly.


I didn’t notice much feeling from this one, but it was a quick little session.

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Tea addict since around 2011.

My favorites are pu’erhs, blacks/reds, and roasted oolongs, but I have a growing interest in good whites, and sometimes enjoy greens.

Currently trying to get an education, working a part time job, expand my ceramics/pottery skills, and trying to make the best of existential crisis.

Other than tea I love the outdoors, ceramics, guitar, and diy/building things.

I started a tea blog in February 2018, though admittedly I haven’t updated it much lately.

When I give a tea a numerical rating it’s simply meant to reflect a balance of how well I enjoyed the tea and how it compares to others of the same style. I don’t follow any universal rating criteria, and my ratings are mainly meant for my own use, to remember what I though of a tea and if I want to repurchase.


Clearwater, FL



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