Thank You to Good Life Tea for providing me with a few Samples to try.
I just couldn’t really enjoy this one very much at all tho :(
Not saying it was Bad or anything it just wasn’t that Great to me.
The Tea itself taste pretty good but the bergomot and the cream/vanilla flavors in the teas taste a bit off to me.
The tea itself over powers the harsh flavors, I love Earl Grey but this one is just not one I can love, it really taste like the flavors are artificial and not so great.
Overall not bad but nothing I would purchase at all when looking for an Earl Grey.
Also I noticed that the sample I recieved was not in the very best of shape, the leafes was crushed so badly that they looked like they should be in a teabag rather than loose leafe.
OH!, The Envelope they came in gets a BIG thumbs up tho because of the Super Awesome handwriting on the front :) AND a Harry Potter Stamp featuring Madam Professor Minerva McGonagall, Hells Yeah!!!!!!
I bought the HP stamps last time I needed forever stamps. The guy at the post office asked me what I wanted, and I asked what my options were. He said, “Let me start with the ones no one gets. Harry Potter.” “I’ll take it.”
I had the exact same thoughts about my envelope! Especially, the Harry Potter stamp!
I bought the HP stamps last time I needed forever stamps. The guy at the post office asked me what I wanted, and I asked what my options were. He said, “Let me start with the ones no one gets. Harry Potter.” “I’ll take it.”
Yay Harry potter :)