drank Classic English Breakfast by Zhi Tea
31 tasting notes

Damn fine cup of tea!

There may be technicality in naming this, since some traditionalists will argue, that English Breakfast is a blend of teas, and not a single estate. However I do not really care about that.To me, this is what English Breakfast is suppose to taste like! I cannot comprehend how well Zhi has chosen this tea.

I brew this in a 26 ounce white teapot with an infuser. It is just like any black: five minutes at boiling. It yields a full bodied dark amber cup with VERY subtle but appropriate notes of citrus, and smokiness, ending with a sweet and astringent finish. It is very hospitable as you drink, and warming in your soul. If you are sensitive to caffeine I suggest to wash tea with quick spot of hot water before brewing.

I love English Breakfast because is it incredibly versatile. It offers an affordable focus over a pricey oolong. Pair this in the morning with a apple, and you can forget about the cup of coffee. It’s caffeine is appropriate for an English Breakfast, nice and lengthy, but a gentle lift, if you need more kick try an Assam, or a Irish Breakfast. It is a safe bet to serve to guests who are tolerable with very mild caffeine, as I know some individuals can be so sensitive to it.

This takes milk well, even half and half if you want it more rich. I sometimes take mine with a spot of milk/half and half poured in first, pour the tea, and finish there or with a sweetener, like Turbinado sugar, honey or agave nectar. It is good as self-drinking tea, or with just a spot of sweetener.

In it’s versatility, it is a good tea to help you when you are feeling ill, but you urgently need to be somewhere. Somewhat like a natural Dayquil. It’s all simple as adding a squirt of lemon and some honey, and micro-pinch of salt in your cup (optional) and adjust to taste. Pop this in a thermos and drink throughout the day, it helps me stay focus. You will notice the more lemon you add the more the tea turns orangey-red.

This is a staple, that I order by the pound. It is a classic tea that deserves to be in your cupboard. The added bonus is that it comes from Zhi Tea, and it is produced organically and responsibly.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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