This has to be the closest thing to coffee that is mainly tea, as I can’t remember great coffee from various places that taste as good as this.
Before moving completely to tea, I was a coffee drinker, and not a happy one at that.
I had found most coffee made was sloppy or hastily done, very rare did I come across a very well made cup of coffee.
This tea makes drinking coffee fun, as there is a lot going on here, with the mixture of cocoa and chocolate to coffee-mimicking toasted mate and Assam black teas, with a little vanilla for extra flavoring.
Very chocolatey, but not as rich, thankfully, appropriately strong, nicely creamy and smooth.
It is amazing, as I have had mocha coffees before and never liked them, but this tea has possibly the best level of chocolate to tea.
I am also finding that I am liking this tea more and more with each sip.