I received this one from Tamm Smells pretty nice when I opened up the bag. However I’m baffled that there seems to be multiple versions of this tea…with and without berries. Kind of like Special K with and without berries. It’s not bad…but I’m not seeming to get a whole lot of flavor…Oolong or raspberry. For the price they have on Teavana’s website I guess I’m expecting more. Maybe that’s just me.
I think that next time I make this one I’m going to pick the oolong out and just get leaves. I’ve noticed the berries don’t do much to flavor it; that’s probably why they took them out of the mix.
I think that next time I make this one I’m going to pick the oolong out and just get leaves. I’ve noticed the berries don’t do much to flavor it; that’s probably why they took them out of the mix.
The price tag on this would have been way too high if it was $18 with the berries. O.O
Yes… Very much so… : (