Well I must say that I was excited when I was asked to participate in another tasting of Teavivre tea. Even more excited when it after being sick all last week with bronchitis. This was the first that I decided to try. I went with the green because I heard that green tea can help booster antibiotics. I probably heard it on John Tesh since I produce his show for the station I work at. I opened up the packet and noticed a little bit of roasty aroma. It’s definitely a much lighter green in the color of the liquor. A medium body. I like the slight roasted flavor to this one. It reminds me a lot of the tea my brother gave me a few years ago for Christmas. He got it at an Asian market in Ann Arbor and I tried to see if anyone on Steepster could read it. I’m thinking maybe it’s Lu Shan Yun Wu. They are definitely similar flavor profiles and the leaves are similar. Who knows. It almost tastes like silver needles. I definitely like this one.
We can not only benefits it from the taste, but also it’s health functions. Green tea has many health benefits, such as: Anti-aging Health Benefits, Effects on bacterial and fungal infections (anti-bacterial) and loose Weight.