So the little man has been struggling with eczema. He’s been itching and it’s been affecting his sleep which of course makes for long nights for us. My wife and I have been reading how putting rooibos in a baby’s bath can help with eczema. We’ve been trying everything until we can get him into a pediatric dermatologist. So this was on sale at the grocery and wife asked “you’ll drink it too right?”…..but of course. So we put a few bags in with Mr. Zeke’s oatmeal bath, and one in a cup for daddy :) I really like the fact that since it’s rooibos this one is full leaf and not dust. You can see it through the bag. Smelling the pure rooibos here I understand better why David’s tea did have add too much to make the Oh Canada blend. The dry leaf has a sweet woodsy maple aroma. Same with liquor in the cup. A cedar like woodsy flavor almost even wine like. There’s a little sweetness too without any sugar. This is really good and I hope it’s helps t the little man too.
I have eczema on my right hand. Its terrible. I watch to scratch it all the time. I don’t know about tea helping it though.
You can drink it, bathe in it … just like Vitameatavegimin! (Cool…have used chamomile/lavender often for bath purposes, but hadn’t heard the rooibos trick.)
I have eczema on my right hand. Its terrible. I watch to scratch it all the time. I don’t know about tea helping it though.
watch meant to be want
I’m also from Ohio. :)
We figured it can’t hurt. Cheers to being a buckeye :)
You can drink it, bathe in it … just like Vitameatavegimin! (Cool…have used chamomile/lavender often for bath purposes, but hadn’t heard the rooibos trick.)
I will have to buy rooibus. Thank you.
I really think the Rooibos tea is working. I’m drinking some tonight. Thank you.