Thanks to Ian for sending me this one. First I am a big of roasted mate…..okay I’m a fan of Frank too :) It has a nice minty aroma coming from the dry leaf. I couldn’t really detect vanilla. I like it. I couldn’t really get the vanilla out of this one. I guess I was hoping the vanilla would make it a little more creamier. More like a wintergreen than spearmint. However I was sitting at my desk conversing with a record label rep with my nose inside the cup. I happen to do this quite a bit. I like to take in all of that the tea has to offer. More that simply just sipping it. I noticed something. There is this marvelous aroma arising from inside the cup. It’s like a nice a Cavendish or a high quality cigar. I’m talking Cohiba or Artuo Fuente. Whew refreshing like walking into a humidor.