I’ll confess this wasn’t a combination that sounded appetizing. I liked guayusa by itself just fine, but the only flavor I thought it could blend well with was citrus. With a lemony lean, maybe. I put this on the back-burner because I thought they used chocolate flavoring for it. Turns out I was wrong; cocoa nibs were used in place of an agent. That sounded more up my alley. While it isn’t as successful as come orange or lemon-blended guayusa fusions, it has a character that works. The normal, leafy kick the holly has on the forefront is masked by the nibs’ unsweetened chocolaty presence, which later gives way to the base’s natural sweetness. The combination works for the most part. It doesn’t quite replace a mocha, but it gives a “tea”-totaler an alternative.
Full Review: http://www.teaviews.com/2011/01/23/review-stash-tea-guayusa-and-chocolate-tea/