I received a shred of this from Seykaykay – also a surprise. It was – I believe – a white bud sheng, and it caught my eye by title. She was generous enough to impart some to me. The liquor brewed to a brilliant amber after a four minute steep. Steam nose was pungently floral, like jasmine without the bite. The scent also had a faint feeling of Pinot Gris to it; dry yet fruity. The taste was a little harsh on the front, but settled warmly into a maple/vanilla-like palate on the back. It’s a superb sheng, through and through.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I moonlight as a procrastinating writer and daylight as a trader of jack. I appreciate good tea, good beer, and food that is bad for me. Someday I’ll write the great American novel. And it’ll probably have something to do with tea or beer…or both. In the meantime, I subsist.

Tea Blog: http://www.steepstories.com

TeaCuplets: http://lazyliteratus.tumblr.com/





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