I probably should have more to say about this one, but I’ve had a rough time with tea this morning! I had to be out the door at 9am to go play a wedding, so I started a cup of this one, & forgot to set the timer. I was making breakfast, changing a broken string, & other multitasking activities, so it probably steeped 10 minutes. Needless to say, it was bitter, so it was dumped. I made another cup, took a sip too soon & burnt my tongue, loaded my harp, changed into my gig clothes, & it was tasty, but lukewarm at that point.
I got back from the wedding & made a third cup, and then sat with it until it was cool enough to sip. It’s quite good. Nicely malty, the floral aspect is a little more on the savory side, just a little bitterness, with a nice milky kind of mouth.
I am suffering from not enough tea, & I need food too. The only real decision I have to make is what teas I’m taking to Tony’s house & which pjs I want to spend the next 36 hours in.