I have a ton of things to do: replace a broken string on my electric harp & check the other strings to see if any are worn; restring a Troubadour harp for one of my students (she’s 74, & in Italy for the month on vacay!); pick the last of the head lettuces before they get bitter, pick the first of the leaf lettuces, & wash & spin them all; start learning the music for the wedding I’m playing this saturday (another “no classical” wedding); start prepping my front porch for paint!
That’s a start! It’s almost noon, & I haven’t really done anything yet today.
This tea…from the January reserve TOMC of 16 months ago. It is still delicious, & I’ve reviewed it several times, so not much else to say except the warmed leaf smells amazingly awesome, the flavors of this tea are delightfully complex, & I’ve got an amazing tea-buzz going on right now, the kind of headspace that is only appropriate for mindful zen-like activities. I think I’ll start with the lettuces…