I drank this yesterday evening, so I’m piecing this together from my notes (written on the envelope the tea was in).
The dry aroma of the leaf brought creamy tapioca pudding to mind, & with the first sip I saw the color of butterscotch (not the taste). Where do these images come from & why? Who knows, but I do enjoy being like this, so onward…
I brewed this one in glass, so I could watch the nuggets bloom & then dreamily unroll themselves like sacred scrolls. Most of the leaf tips are red-tinged.
The texture was buttery, sweet, a little starchy.
It made me think of a dessert I used to enjoy often: sticky rice topped with mango & drizzled with coconut milk. Again, it doesn’t really taste like it, although the fruitiness was a little like under-ripe mango, slightly tart. Subsequent steepings brought out more florals.
This review made me click through to add this tea to my shopping list…where I found it was already in my cupboard (meaning ordered and arriving later this week). Bonus! Buttery, sweet, starchy…who needs dessert when we have tea? Looking forward to this one.
This review made me click through to add this tea to my shopping list…where I found it was already in my cupboard (meaning ordered and arriving later this week). Bonus! Buttery, sweet, starchy…who needs dessert when we have tea? Looking forward to this one.
dessert in a cup!