I love this stuff!
I don’t drink it all the time, but I did buy a case a few days ago.
As a person who believes that we are all walking talking SCOBYs (that means Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria & Yeast), I think it’s important to make sure the cultures you’re made of are healthy. I think Kombucha can support that health, but with my own personal history of addiction, I was a little nervous about drinking Kombucha at first. Some brands are pretty ‘hoochie’, if you know what I mean, but GTs Kombuchas have been consistently awesome. This is really the only flavor I like, being a ginger fanatic, but it is VERY good! I drink it occasionally with a meal, especially when I’ve been going out to eat too often, or when I feel that my immune system is fighting something. Both of those apply this morning. I’m also eating a bowl of my homemade Kimchi, for the same reason. It’s loaded with life, very tangy!