This feels like a bad breakup. “It’s not you, it’s me…”

Second tea for the night, and second time I just kind of cock my head to the side and go “hrmm… this… something not right…”

I think I’m going to stop this review here and assume I need some time to get my house in order, so to speak.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Azzrian 13 years ago

Maybe you and Missy need to discuss – you both logged this around the same time!

Uniquity 13 years ago

I think he and Missy are engaged – unless I’ve way over-analyzed! : )

Missy 13 years ago

That we are Uniquity. He’s just having trouble with his taste buds right now. He’s catching a cold.

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Azzrian 13 years ago

Maybe you and Missy need to discuss – you both logged this around the same time!

Uniquity 13 years ago

I think he and Missy are engaged – unless I’ve way over-analyzed! : )

Missy 13 years ago

That we are Uniquity. He’s just having trouble with his taste buds right now. He’s catching a cold.

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My fiancé and I are beginning to enjoy tea infusion, and it’s slowly becoming an interesting hobby that the two of us can share. Maybe not slowly… it’s somewhat amazing how much tea you can buy when everything looks shiny and new.

Tea Rating system:

90 – 100: This is a tea I will always have on hand at work, and at home. I will leave it on altars as offerings of perfection.

80 – 89: This, or one of it’s close cousins, will likely be in my cabinet at home. When this tea runs out, I will buy more. I’ll always wonder if there is something better, but be too afraid to look to stray from home to find it.

70 – 79: Definitely good, but not a clear winner. I enjoy it, I’ll finish it, but I probably won’t buy it again until I’ve exhausted all other versions of this product from any reputable retailer. Though, it may enjoy a resurrection for custom blending.

60 – 69: This tea is okay, but definitely not something I’m going to brew again. I’m going to give what I have left away.

30 – 59: I didn’t finish drinking this tea. I actually poured it out, and went for something else. I’ll still give this tea away, but I’ll do it with a warning and a plead for forgiveness.

0 – 29: This tea is riding securely towards an iceberg at the helm of the failboat. I’ve taken this out of my tea tin, and laid it on a napkin as potpurri. I do not consider it fit for human consumption.


Tacoma, Washington, United States

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