Another tea I forgot I had, but found once again while re-arranging my tea cupboard this week.

Definitely taste the muscatel and apricot in this — apricot is particularly strong as an aftertaste. Initial flavor is slightly floral. Also slightly astringent overall, but in a good way — not bitter.

As far as Darjeeling teas go, I prefer second flushes to first flushes. This tea is a perfect example of why — much more flavor and body. I’m glad I have enough of this one to last for the rest of summer!

Date of picking on label: 12 June 2017

Flavors: Apricot, Astringent, Floral, Muscatel

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 6 g 18 OZ / 532 ML
Leafhopper 5 years ago

I also prefer second flush Darjeelings, which is appreciated by my wallet.

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Leafhopper 5 years ago

I also prefer second flush Darjeelings, which is appreciated by my wallet.

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2025: It’s been awhile, but I hope to be back to regularly updating my tea log!

My tea habits generally depend on my mood and the season but, in general, my preferred teas are black teas, especially those grown in India and Sri Lanka. I will occasionally drink other types, though.

Unless noted in my review, I brew my tea western style and do not use additives (milk/cream, sugar, etc.).

I am definitely not an expert when it comes to tea, so I’d love to hear from you if your experiences differ from the notes in my tea log.

Please feel free to contact me and let me know if you have a favorite that I have to try! :)

My grading for tea:

100: Perfect.

90, 95: Excellent.

80, 85: Very good.

70, 75: Good.

60, 65: Okay.

50, 55: Meh.

40, 45: Not so good.

0-35: Awful.


Indiana, USA

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