Tea Strainer
by MlesnASteepster Score An exclusive score based on the Steepster community
Rate this itemFits in cups and teapots to make a desired amount. Has a handle on the top rim. 100% cotton tea strainer. Can be used many times.
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tea while camping sounds like one of the best ideas ever!
My partner and I went back woods camping at the end of August and camped in a site that at the end of three lakes and three portages. And it rained quite a lot. It was an amazing trip but dear god, did I ever need a good cup of tea after that paddling and being out in the rain.
I grabbed this because I couldn’t find any of the fillable paper tea sacks for a reasonable price, and I wasn’t going to limit myself to dust tea bags.
Oh, that sounds awesome! I totally understand needing tea after being out in the rain. :) I’ve packed up a pot and my wee stove, so I can take it on rainy day dayhikes. Yeah, I spoil myself.