Tea Bottle from More Tea

Tea Bottle

Now you can enjoy quality loose leaf tea anywhere you like, anytime of the day. It looks good too!

Beautifully designed double walled tea bottle made from borosilicate glass with built-in strainer. Double walled feature stops you from burning your hands. Tea remains at a warm and drinkable temperature for up to an hour. With our eco-friendly bamboo lid the sleek design looks great in your hand out-and-about, in your bag or cup holder.

It’s easy, drop in tea leaves, refill all day with hot water and drink straight from the bottle (you can reuse the leaves too!). Try iced tea on a sunny dayRead more

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  • “So this is definitely a BEAUTIFUL portable tea carrier, yes. But it only carries a small amount of tea! I guess it’s not much more than my timolino. But carrying around such a bulky thing when I...” Read full review

1 Review

1024 tasting notes

So this is definitely a BEAUTIFUL portable tea carrier, yes. But it only carries a small amount of tea! I guess it’s not much more than my timolino. But carrying around such a bulky thing when I can clearly (zing) see how much liquid is in there and it’s not a lot is a bit of a bummer. BUT seeing the tea in there is really pretty! But also straining leaves out if you need to is kinda annoying. Buuuuuuuuut it’s awesome for cold press.

I’m so torn. I think it’s everything I want? Or it would be if it held a bit more liquid. I’m just getting into this when I run out of tea.

EDIT: and with my second steeping ever, a jolt to the bottle has smashed the internal glass. Ouch. Changing my rating. Bit heartbroken!

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