DAVIDsTEA Perfect Glass Mug from DAVIDsTEA

DAVIDsTEA Perfect Glass Mug

Our perfect mug now comes in crystal-clear glass, right down to its heat and aroma insulating lid. Like the original, it includes a stainless steel infuser that fits right inside, but unlike the original, this mug is totally transparent – so you can check on your loose tea or watch a blooming tea flower. The lid even doubles as a plate for the infuser. Dishwasher safe. Microwave safe, except metal infuser. (capacity: 12oz / 380ml)

Edit info Last updated by Cameron B.

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13 Reviews View all

  • “So the other day I was sitting down to play some Fallout 3 (an evil run, heheh) and eat a small dinner on the side. On a TV dinner table nearby, I had a Jamaican beef patty and a cup of Teaopia’s...” Read full review
  • “I have been looking at these mugs for MONTHS! Not even exaggerating. I finally decided to get one. I got the Eggnog snowflake one apart of the winter collection. It’s so pretty. I’m totally loving...” Read full review
  • “These literally are the best little mug you can buy, though not really the most price friendly ones; however occasionally DAVIDsTEA will have a 2 for 1 sale on these mugs and of course at the end...” Read full review
  • “It’s pretty, but SUPER thin glass. Buy ceramic.” Read full review

13 Reviews

107 tasting notes

So the other day I was sitting down to play some Fallout 3 (an evil run, heheh) and eat a small dinner on the side. On a TV dinner table nearby, I had a Jamaican beef patty and a cup of Teaopia’s Soleil de Provence (which I just discovered that I’ve never added to my Steepster cupboard, making me even more concerned about how disorganized it is – I’m sure I need to remove stuff, and apparently stuff is missing from it! oh no!). I finished the patty very quickly while my tea was still cooling, and then stupidly left both the full mug of tea and the plate of crumbs on the table while I paused my game and left the room very briefly for a reason I can no longer remember.

…Did I mention I have four cats?

Yes, two males and two females. The females are both hell on wheels, and the males – while sweet – are both dumb as sacks of broken hammers. One of them, Kaleb, is a bit smarter than his brother Mustang, but makes up for it by being incredibly anxious and skittish.

So while I was out of the room, Kaleb jumped up onto the table to get the beef patty crumbs. When I came back into the room, he panicked and bolted.

The table – sturdy enough to leave drinks on with no fear, but not sturdy enough to withstand a 12-pound cat launching himself off of it – tipped so fast that Malcolm Gladwell would be shocked. The plate and mug both hit the stone hearth of the fireplace (which is beside the TV, and no, we don’t ever use it) and shattered…although the tea thankfully just sank into the stone and didn’t appear to get near the ton of cables associated with the TV, the PS3, the DVD/VCR player, the PS2, etc.

Not actually that big a deal in the end, except for a broken plate, and, oh yeah, MY FAVOURITE MUG!


It was my Taco Time mug, which I think my boss got us one Christmas when I worked at Taco Time. Yeah, it was not a pretty mug (I mean, it had a fast food logo on it!); but it was a substantial-sized mug that was great for lattes, it was white and reflected the color of the tea, plus it was something I’d gotten at my first-ever “real” job (where I worked for six years!) and just basically had sentimental value.

I know it’s my fault, but I’m seriously bummed about the mug.


This gave me the perfect excuse, didn’t it?

I have wanted a glass tea mug for, oh, just about forever. But I could not justify the purchase when we have so many mugs. Well, I had to make myself feel better, didn’t I? And I needed a bigger mug for lattes. I already have a Perfect Mug that my mother gave me a few Christmases ago – it’s sort of a charcoal color, and I don’t know if they even sell that color anymore. I like it a lot, but because it’s so dark it’s hard to see the color of a tea’s liquor.

So now I have this one! I’m very excited, I love it. The glass feels amazing on my tongue and teeth (I hope I’m not the only one who considers the texture of the cup before purchasing) and I just love that I can gaze at the color of the tea as it steeps and while I drink it. The infuser is less clunky than the old design – hard to explain, but it has less of a “lip” near the top where tea leaves tend to get stuck in my old one.

My only issue with it is that it clearly looses heat faster, and is dangerous to pick up by anything but the handle when it’s freshly steeped. But that’s to be expected – after all, it’s glass.


Cats and mugs don’t always seem to mix—one of my kittens went through a phase where she obsessively put her paws in every container with liquid in it, which usually led to spills… and occasionally broken cups. At least it gives you an excuse to shop!


I think you did the right thing! :)
Lucky that the electronics were not harmed but yeah sad to see the taco mug go.
Yet now you have a memory – instead of it being lost in a move, or something where you never know what became of it you have this memory which will last forever :)
I have four cats and three dogs. Nothing here is safe!


Oh favorite mugs breaking is always heartbreak!!!! Glad you got a new one!

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606 tasting notes

I have been looking at these mugs for MONTHS! Not even exaggerating. I finally decided to get one. I got the Eggnog snowflake one apart of the winter collection. It’s so pretty. I’m totally loving it. It is the perfect size and I love the filter with the lid. It just is awesome.

I’m looking to get the glass one with the DavidsTea log on it in the spring. :)


YES. This is by far the best mug I’ve found. I’ve got 2 glass ones now, as well as a a noble mug version and the giant one. LOVE them! Seems weird to rave about a mug like this, but they’re that good.


lol it’s so true! I didn’t think I’d love them as much as I do, but I really do. I was thinking I could even request one for Christmas! It’s coming up soon!
I like the option of steeping a single glass instead of a whole steeper. It really is perfect.

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79 tasting notes

These literally are the best little mug you can buy, though not really the most price friendly ones; however occasionally DAVIDsTEA will have a 2 for 1 sale on these mugs and of course at the end of the year for boxing week they are on sale. So far I have purchased three of them, two noble fire red ones and one blue flock of birds, the flock of birds one is my work mug and the birds remind me of the inlays on a PRS guitar (one of my other horrible addictions/hobbies) I have one of the noble ones at home and gave another to my Mom who is just getting into DAVIDsTEA. Now it wouldn’t be fair to say it is the best mug without explaining myself, so here it goes.

- It’s got a lid! Not only a must have for infusing but great if you have a mug at work like me and you want to keep more heat in and other crap out. I know you could use a travel mug but its not as relaxing as sitting at your desk with a favorite mug!

- LARGE fine mesh infuser that slides into the cup perfectly. Up until getting a mug for work I was using my noble travel mug to brew my tea at work and the infuser is small and frequently tea leaves would come out of the larger holes at the top.

- Stylish looks, ok this one is not that important but hey its worth a mention. Up until getting my perfect mugs I had been favoring a mug from Starbucks, their Sumatra Tiger mug to be exact (Tiger is my Chinese Zodiac symbol), which is nice but the excessive thickness of the mug (to retain heat) makes it like holding a brick which if you have big mitten like hands similar to mine the small tight handle on this mug will actually cause a pressure point on your fingers and hurt, not really their fault as it’s mostly due to my mitten like hands!

I have grabbed all of my perfect mugs on sale, so its been win win hands down as on sale they were cheaper then my Starbucks mug and well have more “goodies” that go along with the cup…Now if I could just get another blue flock of birds one!

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9 tasting notes

It’s pretty, but SUPER thin glass. Buy ceramic.

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415 tasting notes

So, the other day when I was at DAVIDs, I impulsively bought this perfect glass mug. My wonderful husband, who actually never complains about how much tea I buy (he actually has said me "hoarding " tea doesn’t bother him and it doesn’t mind me spending lots of money on tea :) ) did however ask how much I spent on this mug, and I had to embarrassingly admit $20. To be fair, it comes with that good metal strainer (I think it’s like $8 on it’s own) plus this comes with a lid. So I guess that somewhat justifies the cost, but its still quite pricey.

Anyways, with the cost aside, I love this mug. The glass seams pretty strong, I love being able to look at how pretty my tea is (especially lattes :) ) and the handle is large and spaced well away from the cup so it doesn’t burn my knuckles. It holds 12 oz which is great for lattes or a medium sized cup of tea. The metal infuser is good too, although this is now the forth one I own, lol. To be honest, I don’t use the lids so I can’t comment on that (although I know it would be a good “plate” for the metal infuser…I need to reorganize my mug cupboard so I will grab the lid instead of a random plate…).

All in all I really love this mug (It’s now my favourite) but I recommend people wait till these mugs are on sale before purchasing.

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1780 tasting notes

I had four of these for about a year and used them almost daily. I love the size of the mug, that it has a nice lid and that it is clear so I can watch my tea steep. Sure they probably don’t hold heat as well as the ceramic version, but I rarely get to the bottom of a cup and have cold tea.

Now that it’s been over a year, I only have two of them left. The two that broke both developed hairline cracks at the bottom when I was washing them. I use a dish brush and noticed an odd sound when the plastic part of the brush came in contact with the glass. It was the crack forming. I’m not slamming my brush down in the cup, but I’m apparently not being as gentle and careful as I should be. I guess I’m going to have to suck it up and switch to ceramic. No more watching the water change color for me. :(


I had one once. It didn’t last long.


Really? I’ve used one daily for 2 years, banged it around a couple times, and no issues. Maybe I’ve been lucky! Or they might have changed the material composition to something more or less sturdy at some point.


They always seemed a little thin to me. Maybe they used to make them a little thicker.

Cameron B.

I really like the new Silver Starburst glass perfect mug they have for winter… But I don’t want to buy it if it’s going to break. :(


…and I came home today to find out my cat knocked it off the table and smashed it. I should have kept my mouth shut. Now I need a new perfect mug and I’m never near a David’s.


^Oh no! :( Order it online?

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60 tasting notes

Love The Perfect Mug! I got two in the Glass Octopus motif from the Spring 2014 Collection when they went on sale, and have been really pleased. I have infusers at home, but not this compact and tidy, which makes them great at the office. It’s the perfect size for a nice morning brew, and I like watching the darkening tea curl around the octopus tentacles like a roiling sea storm.

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56 tasting notes

It’s been a while since I’ve written any tasting notes, I’ve been trying to drink my old teas before opening new ones or buying any. But i got this for my bday and i love it!! I have been using it everyday. Theres only one negative to it, i think the glass is to thin im always afraid i might break it while washing it, so im extra careful with it.

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16936 tasting notes

So yesterday I bought my first perfect mug; the glass one from the spring collection with the frosty white octopus tentacles on it. I’ve wanted one for ages but a combination of not having the funds and not seeing “the perfect design” has kept me from getting one. I no longer had that excuse though, so I guiltlessly splurged on this one.

I’m absolutely loving it so far, and I’m so happy I went with glass because none of my teaware (other than the mason jar) is glass so I rarely get to watch as my tea steeps (because the mason jar sits and steeps in the fridge), so this lends to a somewhat different tea experience, and it’s great! I’m finding that there’s plenty of room in the steeping basket, so I’m really happy about that too.

I also love the little lid/plate for the steeping basket once it’s done steeping. My typical set up is to wait in the kitchen for my tea to steep or to take it to the living room along with a little custard dish to put the tea balls/clamps in once it’s done steeping. This works much better.

My one “gripe” would be how thin the walls of the mug are. I’m sure it’s structurally sound, but I can’t help but feel freaked out by how seemingly fragile this mug appears to be. I’ll likely get over that, though. It may just take a little time.


I liked mine till it broke!


My steepster experience is pretty much me finding out about things that I just have to have. This included (although I think I’m partial to the whale one). I’m going to go broke!

Roswell Strange

I almost got the colour changing Lobster, but I was wary because of all the talk of the stickers coming off. I’m happier with this one.


My whale sticker is completely gone off the lid of my Perfect Mug :(


I’ve been watching for a perfect mug that fits my style and one for hubby. I would love to catch some on sale .. I don’t live close enough to a Davids for anyone around me to know if I bought a discontinued one ;). I have a couple of Bodum mugs w/infusers that are doing the job for now.


Do you like the Mason Jar? I’ve been thinking about getting one.


VariaTEA, that is so disappointing about your whale mug :-(. It’s so cute too!

Roswell Strange

100% recommend the mason jar; it’s amazing.

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6 tasting notes

LOVE! Got the glass one with the bird on it and its the cutest thing :) I also love the infuser basket- my boyfriend has one of the balls from Teavana and is super jealous of the infuser in my perfect mug because literally not one leaf of tea escapes and he is left with lots of errant tea in his cup. If he’s good, I just might buy him a mug for Christmas (plus, the 2 for $30 sale is on now and I reeeeeally want the teal one :) ). This mug is AWESOME!

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