I thought this tea would be peachy and lychee-like(although I don’t believe there’s any lychee in this tea) but once steeped according to the instructions it’s just a whole mess of bitter. Which is the complete opposite of what you’d expect it to be. It smells so sweet and promising… until you drink it.
With sugar (1 teaspoon ish): Not bad. I can taste the peachiness a lot more now that the bitterness has disappeared somewhat. It reminds me of lipton’s peach iced tea but more bitter, and without the obscene amounts of sugar they put in that drink.
For the price though, I don’t think it’s worth it! Going to try and see how resteeping will fare with this one. Or in the future, try steeping it at a lower temperature for the same time.
Resteeping (with sugar): All the bitterness have faded away and left behind a very distinctive light white/green tea. By that I mean that you can actually taste both the white and green tea! I can taste the peachiness a lot more now, and it almost reminds me of Teavanna’s orange blossom. But without the orange. It’s actually pretty great. I’d rate this particular steeping a 8.5/10
Tea temperature: Boiling and Steep time: a little over 4 minutes, maybe 4 and a half?
Score changed from 45 to 65