Vaisine arbata su metomis ir citrusiniais vaisiais vasaros skonis

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Not available
Citrusy, Lemon, Mint, Orange
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Martin Bednář
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 14 oz / 400 ml

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  • “I have no idea where I got this tea. Ah, yeah – postcrossing again. Sittin´ in my drawer for three months. Today was the time! I had to translate the taste because the bag is not helpful at all....” Read full tasting note

From Žolynélis

Vasaros skonis

Sudedamosios dalys: džiovintų vaisių mišinys 57,5 % (obuolių ir erškėtrožių vaisiai), pipirmėčių ir šaltmėčių lapai 11 %, natūralios kvapiosios medžiagos, cikorijų šaknys, kinrožių žiedai, gervuogių lapai, citrinų rūgštis, citrusinių vaisių (citrinų, apelsinų, žaliųjų citrinų) žievelės 3,5 %, citrinžolių žolė, saldymedžių šaknys.

Vartojimo būdas: Pakelį arbatos įdėkite į puodelį, užpilkite verdančiu vandeniu. 3-5 min. leiskite arbatos sielai atsiskleisti. Galite paskaninti cukrumi ar medumi. Gerkite lėtai, mėgaukitės vaisių teikiamu malonumu. Tinka gerti ir atvėsintą.

Nevartoti asmenims, jautriems arbatos sudedamosioms dalims. Laikyti sausoje, tamsioje vietoje.
Pakuotė: 2,5g N20

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1 Tasting Note

2076 tasting notes

I have no idea where I got this tea.
Ah, yeah – postcrossing again. Sittin´ in my drawer for three months. Today was the time!

I had to translate the taste because the bag is not helpful at all. Just 3-5 minutes suggested steeping time is something I translated. And… it is caffeine free. And by drawing mint have to be in.

Let´s see. Translation says it is minty tea with citrus fruits. Sounds interesting. Boiling water in, tea bag in…
citrus notes! Fresh mint notes! probably translation was right.

5 minutes gone, time to remove the tea bag. Colour of brew is dark orange, quite clear. Smells heavily after citrus fruits, mostly orange with lemon. Little oily film on top.

The body is based on mint. Fresh mint which is cooling down. Then a citrus notes start to appear, making it quite sweet taste. It does not linger much, but it is nice to drink in the evening though.

Not a bad choice.

Flavors: Citrusy, Lemon, Mint, Orange

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 14 OZ / 400 ML

I found out my daughter is going to Poznan, Poland. Is that near you at all or very far?

Martin Bednář

Well, it is kind of far. About 350 km (218 mi) away by car; meaning 6 hours in car, or about 8 hours by train.

Sorry for that, but I think I can´t go there :(


No worries! I didn’t expect you to go there! I thought it might be near enough to you that you might know some places to recommend that she go, whether historical sites or tea rooms! :)

Martin Bednář

haha, haven´t thought about it this way; sorry I can´t anyway. I have never been there.

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