Morita #04: Sayama Kukicha (Stem Tea)

Tea type
Green Tea
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
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  • “Backlog from earlier today. The first time that I steeped this tea, I used 185 F water, which turned out to be too hot. While the flavors were delicious, it was also a bit bitter. It didn’t help...” Read full tasting note

From Yunomi

The Morita family’s quality sencha is a result of 10 generations of tea farming. This kukicha are the leaf stems that have been sorted out of the Morita family’s sencha products. Stem tea is milder than regular sencha because most of the tea is made up of stems which contain more natural sugars than catechins.

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1 Tasting Note

592 tasting notes

Backlog from earlier today. The first time that I steeped this tea, I used 185 F water, which turned out to be too hot. While the flavors were delicious, it was also a bit bitter. It didn’t help that the leaves were very fine and settled at the bottom of my mug, continuing to make the tea bitter as I drank it. Second time around, I used 165 F water, and it really did help with the initial bitterness. The problem with the leaves falling through and making it bitter were still there, though. I need to get a finer strainer.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this tea (despite the random bitterness) because it combines umami and vegetal flavors so well. Plus, it tastes clean yet a little thick at the same time. I find that true of most Japanese green teas, actually. Anyway, it is a very nice, sothing tea. I just hope I can find a better way to strain the leaves.

Anlina 10 years ago

I have one like this – the mess is incredibly fine and it sits in the top of my cha hai. I found them in China Town for less than $2

Jennkay 10 years ago

Ooh, thanks for the recommendation!

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