Smoky Dragon Balls Aged Raw Pu-erh Tea

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Camphor, Smoke, Spices, Tobacco
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Compressed, Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by MadHatterTeaReview
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From Yunnan Sourcing US

“This is a 2013 Spring harvested tea from Ku Zhu mountain area of Jinggu county (Simao). The tea received a heavy smoke aroma during the kill green process as wood was used to heat the wok and the space was not well ventilated. After several years of storage as loose leaf mao cha the tea has aged and the smokiness has faded to a pleasant level. If you like a smoky pu-erh tea, then this one might be for you!

The brewed tea soup is orange-red, the aroma is that of smoke, mushroom soup, and fruit. There is a sweetness to the tea that is not at all at odds with the smoky character and reminds one a bit of meat or grilled zuchini. There is some astringency in the tea that can be moderated by avoiding long steeps in the first 5 or 6 steeps.

Any interesting tea for those who want to experience something different or for those who like smoky pu-erhs!

April 2013 Harvest (Hand-Rolled into Dragon Balls on May 2021).

Ku Zhu Mountain area of Jinggu."

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1 Tasting Note

346 tasting notes


I had purchased 3 – 7g balls of these ($8.50 per set of 3) mostly out of curiosity. I wanted to understand the difference with smoked black tea (Lapsang) and puerh. The first time I smelled this, it reminded me of wood smoke. After allowing the last 7g ball to rest in my puerh storage for nearly a year, I pulled it out to finish the tea. I cannot remember earlier notes from the previous sessions, so based on this last session, I’m making my notes.

Dry: wood smoke

Flavor: Less smoky than you’d think. The element of smoke is there, but it’s not the main role within the flavor profile. You get a mild cigar/tobacco smoke, camphor, & spice (peppery) flavor. The mouthfeel is thin and oily. The qi is strong with this brew and allows your mind to ease into the necessary euphoria one may get with a good cuppa.

Flavors: Camphor, Smoke, Spices, Tobacco

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