Moonshine White

Tea type
White Tea
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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From white2tea

The 2017 white tea is made in a “yue guang bai” or moonlight white style, dried without sunlight or air drying. The tea has minimal processing, picked and shade dried. This tea was processed from tea that is usually destined for raw Puer.

The moonshine white is sweetness and fragrance focused. It has an elegant body and soft character. The fresh fragrances of newly dried tea are still vibrantly alive in the tea.

Each purchase is for 50 grams.

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2 Tasting Notes

16358 tasting notes


On Thursday, at work, we had our giant Thanksgiving Potluck, dubbed “Friendsgiving”. It was MASSIVE – basically everyone in our office came and ate together in our lunch room, with all the tables shoved together to create a long table down the length of the room. It was really nice!

I brought my tea tray, a shibo, and a mountain of teacups out and sat them down in front of me with a carafe of boiling water because communal lunch seemed perfect for communal tea! I definitely didn’t have enough teacups for everyone to have tea (there were like 60 people…) but anyone who was curious enough about what I was doing to come up while I was brewing or who say next to me definitely got a cup of Moonshine to enjoy with their meal!

Pleasant, smooth and thick tea – notes of fresh hay, clotted cream, malt, and cucumber skin. I picked it because it’s such an agreeable and approachable flavour, but also light enough that it wouldn’t detract from the Friendsgiving feast. I’m happy I got the chance to share!


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