Green Tea (Thé Vert)

Tea type
Green Tea
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Tea Bag
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
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  • “We have a wonky family tradition among siblings and nephews of random, unexpected gift boxes of questionable provenance and value. This was an entry in this year’s shipment, along with ultra-spicy...” Read full tasting note

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1 Tasting Note

2933 tasting notes

We have a wonky family tradition among siblings and nephews of random, unexpected gift boxes of questionable provenance and value. This was an entry in this year’s shipment, along with ultra-spicy hot seaweed, carrot-flavored candy from the Philippines, canned eel, and palm leaves in garlic. (The seaweed and candy ended up being game prizes for my Sunday kids and were a hit.)

As to this tea. It’s cheap. It’s mild. It’s green. It isn’t bitter. It’s drinkable and welcome as a hand-warmer in a concrete block office that’s had the heat turned down for nearly two weeks.


Was the canned eel any good? I like barbecued eel sushi, but have never had eel any other way.


I cannot bring myself to open the tin!


Sounds like a fun tradition, does it have to be edible?


Not necessarily! We retaliated (uh, reciprocated) by sending the great-nephews (5 and 4) a slightly safer version of the popper-knockers we played with when I was a kid; I think they might also be called click-clacks. Nowadays, they light up when the beads bump!


LOL, I don’t blame you!

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