I purchased this one from Shadowfall in her stash sale. I’ve become much more of a black tea drinker lately, but I do enjoy the occasional green and Verdant has such a good reputation around here, so I figured why not? And it’s a small sample size so it was cheap! The leaves are similar to the Yin Gou Mei “eyebrow tea” that I got in a Simple Loose Leaf box. They’re thin and very stiff, and they’ve been shaped into little loops and “u” shapes. The color is a dull green/blue/grey. I started out with a one minute steep and ended up going to two minutes total after testing it.
The aroma is surprisingly roasty, with sweet and buttery squash. I definitely taste toasted grains in this, specifically oats. It’s creamy and buttery in texture with a bit of mild squash taste. I definitely see where the vanilla soy milk descriptor comes from. There’s the sweetness of freshly shelled peas, and a lovely vanilla note near the end. The aftertaste is roasty and vegetal.
Definitely a different flavor profile than I have experienced in a green tea before! In a way, it reminds me of a milk oolong, but without the floral and fruit notes that green oolongs often have. I’m glad I got the chance to try it!
Flavors: Butter, Butternut Squash, Creamy, Grain, Oats, Peas, Toasted, Vanilla, Vegetal