Tong Tian Xiang Phoenix Mountain Dancong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Alcohol, Grapes, Sweet, White Wine
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Edit tea info Last updated by Geoffrey
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec 6 g

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21 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I figured i’d revisit this tonight to try and see how things have come along with me and oolongs since i first tried this one. Sadly i don’t yet have my gaiwan to really do this properly but i’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “I know it’s been a few since I’ve checked in, but I’ll give her my best shot now with this tastey little tea I recieved from Autumn Hearth. Thank you so much. After consulting the Verdent website I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I usually don’t read the descriptions until I jot down my original thoughts, first! BUT…this time I read it prior. I’m going to try my best not to let it sway my thoughts/opinions/findings. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was sent to me by Bonnie a while back, and I really, really wanted to brew it gong fu style but I really didn’t want to be tied to the kitchen stove for 18 infusions! I vowed that I would not...” Read full tasting note

From Verdant Tea

A sunny, sparkling Dancong with strong citrus and apricot jam flavors…

This Dancong offers a full and engaging tasting experience. In early steepings, a crisp mineral or stone quality dominates the texture with a rosewood quality on the sides of the palate. Soon, a mouth-watering juicy note of apricot makes an entrance and continues to build up a thicker body for the tea.

Later, the apricot becomes more of a whipped lime meringue flavor, and the crisp texture becomes sparkly and almost spicy like cinnamon. The citrus mixes with the darker woody quality to evoke blueberry.

In late steepings, the texture becomes more silky like Yunnan budset teas, and the juiciness becomes buttery like autumn harvest tieguanyin. All together, this makes for a thrilling tasting experience.

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21 Tasting Notes

15575 tasting notes

I figured i’d revisit this tonight to try and see how things have come along with me and oolongs since i first tried this one. Sadly i don’t yet have my gaiwan to really do this properly but i’m saving some now that my first one is on the way from stacy! woot woot! Overall this isn’t a bad tea but is reminiscent of THAT taste in oolongs that i don’t much enjoy. Thankfully, I can try this again at a later date and give it one final try :)

Overall, it was nice to have one tea and only one tea to drink tonight as again…thing at work broke sigh here’s to a working from home day tomorrow so that I can get caught up with real work!

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62 tasting notes

I know it’s been a few since I’ve checked in, but I’ll give her my best shot now with this tastey little tea I recieved from Autumn Hearth. Thank you so much.
After consulting the Verdent website I followed the western style instructions. Though it was a generous sample that AH sent I didn’t want to attempt my first gongfu out of fear that there wouldn’t be enough it I would ruin this tea.
I would love to tell you just how complex and vibrant the first cup was, yet I only got a mere sip before my wife confiscated the mug…she seemed quite pleased with it. The second steeping still proved to be delightful, though I can only assume a certain portion of the complexity had been deminished.
What was left was a roasty cup with almost floral notes. Not sure about the elderberry or apricot from the description, but there was a bitter sweet thing that maybe I can associate with citrus.
Though I did enjoy this tea it reminded me of a sample of Tie Kaun Yin I tried, but slightly more astringent. I personally was turned off by the dry feeling in my mouth, especially when the sip I got out of the first infusion was very buttery and smooth.
I hate to leave such a short and less than informative note on this one. Maybe if I woulda had the first infuse it may have been different, but I don’t want to sound like I’m belly-aching over it. It’s a good tea for sure.
tunes-everything from Gotye,The Heavy,Awolnation,Jonah Smith,Tom Waits,Panic!At The Disco,& Jack Whites new one.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 45 sec

So you have a tea napper in the house!

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6768 tasting notes

I usually don’t read the descriptions until I jot down my original thoughts, first! BUT…this time I read it prior. I’m going to try my best not to let it sway my thoughts/opinions/findings. Here-goes!

While infusing these leaves it smells woodsy and a bit like pink peppercorns with a hint of apricot, perhaps.

Upon first sip I can taste a woodsy-lime-creamy type taste…it’s pretty interesting! I don’t think I have ever tasted a tea quite like this.

I agree with a few other steepers in saying that my previous DanCong experiences have tasted more like a Big Red Robe but this is much different!

My 2nd sip revealed a peppery corn type flavor, oddly, but interestingly enough this surprises me in a very good way!

The more I sip – the more complex this tea is – I LOVE that!

As it cools I can pick up on the apricot and blueberry hints the description notes. AND…it actually tastes sparkly! Comparable to sparkling water or Champagne – ALMOST.

YEAH. I’m loving this! Maybe…TOO MUCH.

This is complex and special. A wonderous surprise!



I love a tea that makes you go wow! Like a great lover that first time!


Oooooo! Risk-eh! teehee! LOVE it! :)


Well, tea is a safe pleasure!


HA!!!!! Excellent! You crack me up!!! LOVE your comments!!!


I could really relate to the experience of drinking a tea like this one that is morphing so quickly like a great massage or glass of exceptional wine that you make noises often reserved for other occasions!


Bonnie!! *shocked face :-O


I didn’t say what occasion CHAroma! (Dancing, housework, changing a tire on my car?!)


Speaking of naked…


Oh see! I never said the N word! ….ashmanra (what the…)…had to go there!
(I am an innocent!) (Blushes)


Does this qualify as group tea drunkenness?!


Totally! ;)


BAHAHAHA. That is all. :D


Verdant is going to send me to the Island of Misfit Toys! (Old Christmas Animated thingy)

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3496 tasting notes

This was sent to me by Bonnie a while back, and I really, really wanted to brew it gong fu style but I really didn’t want to be tied to the kitchen stove for 18 infusions! I vowed that I would not try it until I had a variable temperature kettle to make it easy. (The ancient Chinese didn’t have to worry about it. They had cast iron warmers with coals beneath that kept the water nice and hot for a long time! I have used my tetsubin in a similar way but a tea light candle doth not make the same heat as coals!)

So, of course my shipping notice said that my new Krups kettle would get here on the day I was going to be out of town ALL DAY LONG. But my neighbor watched for it and snagged it so it wouldn’t be in danger on the porch! And now the tea…

I out 2T in my little thick and easy gaiwan and gave it two rinses as the website suggested. The steeps are about four seconds and believe me, that is enough! The later steeps are my favorite, and quite frankly I feel like I am floating because I have drunk so much tea! Hubby abandoned me several steeps ago so here I am plugging on all alone and drinking it all! They aren’t kidding when they say you can expect about 18 infusions.

The first steeps were a bit astringent because I was having trouble juggling the new kettle and the somewhat awkward place I put it to be near an outlet and getting back to the tray in four seconds! They weren’t bad, just not remarkable. The later steeps are quite good – lots of stone and mineral taste in this with a nice overtone of the apricots and even a little spice like Ceylon cinnamon, the milder sort.

I plan to try it western style very soon! I will also review the Krups. Spoiler: I think I am going to love it, and youngest has already claimed it for making her tea on school days!


Congrats on the new kettle! You know …. I can get ahold of those coals! ..


I suppose if I am really bad for the next few weeks, Santa will bring some coals! But I still wouldn’t have one of those tall iron heating units they used…I suppose if I were very good all year I might get that next year!


Well Ashmanra, you be a good girl now! (But remember that being too good takes the fun out of life sometimes!)
The coal thing sounds really cool…
Before I goy my own variable kettle, I was also using a cast iron pot to keep water hot for the gaiwan, but as you mentioned, it not very efficient…once you go variable temp, you never look back! Have fun with yours :-)


I have a glass pot and pour my boiling water into the preheated pot and cover it with a thick dome tea cozy which keeps the water up to high temp for at least 4 steepings. Some people I know wrap a towel around a pot of water and do the same thing.

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807 tasting notes

Thank you Verdant for this lovely sample of which I instantly went and ordered more of!
A lovely wooded flavor with many little surprises along the way!
Light berry notes.
And yes I do like apricot flavored teas – when they are naturally flavored :)

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec
Scott B

Did you ask for this particular sample? I just placed an order myself, am kinda curious as to what sample I might get.


Nope I didn’t its just what they decided to send. I am thinking maybe based on what I had ordered. I did get mostly oolongs and specific notes within the teas such as sparkly. :)

Scott B

Ok, that’s cool :)


Uh oh, I think I’m going to have to make another Verdant order… I didn’t get this one in my last one and probably should have!!


Apricot flavored tea? That sounds different.


Well its not apricot “flavored” its the natural notes within the tea but if you are wanting a really apricot tea this would not be THE ONE for you. It has nuisances of apricot but this tea is VERY evolving – with different notes springing forth at different times within one cup let alone a steep! I did a full review for but not sure how long it will take for it to be posted.

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4843 tasting notes

What an unbelievable taste this tea has! The first two infusions were indeed mineral-y, it was as if I could feel the minerals on my tongue! This was strongest with the first couple of sips, and then an apricot-y flavor began to emerge. This apricot flavor became stronger with the third and fourth infusion. Subsequent infusions bring flavors of wood and spice.

Quite an incredible Oolong. But then, this is Verdant we’re talking about here, and they offer nothing but the most incredible teas!

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6119 tasting notes

I’ve definitely been in the mood for darker oolongs lately, and apparently had yet to try this one! Apricot flavours? Sure, why not! I’m not sure that drinking this one after Sweet Leaf from Sheng is the best idea, but hopefully it won’t interfere too much. Thanks to David Duckler for including a sample of this one in one of my Verdant orders!

I used about 2-3g of leaf and as I couldn’t find brewing parameters anywhere, used about 8-10oz. of water for the first infusion, and 8 for the second.

First infusion (205F/30s): The flavour here is light, but acceptably so. A bit woody, but slightly sweet and fruity, I can see where apricot notes could have been picked up, although I’m not specifically tasting apricot. No, actually, I think I can taste apricot. Delicious! This infusion is definitely lighter on the woodsy taste than other dark oolongs I’ve tried, and it lacks the burny/toasty flavours as well (not a bad thing!)

Second infusion (202F/1min): Ok, this was too long, and I should have known better. Surprisingly, the tea actually isn’t too bad, but it’s definitely oversteeped, and turning bitter, with just a touch of astringency. Unfortunately, the bitterness kind of takes over here and all I’m really picking up is a peppery flavour (that seems to be how the bitterness is coming across to me). Probably would have done better with 45s.

Hopefully more infusions to come! I wish I hadn’t wrecked the second infusion; I suspect it could have been pretty good :( At least I have a cup’s worth of leaf left to try things out again!

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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1764 tasting notes

I don’t know why but this one just does not do it for me. The other oolong from Verdant that I have (forgive my terrible memory for names!) is very similar but much better so I feel okay posting that here. Maybe it’s the woodiness throwing me off. Reminds me off eating bark.
Either way, this is a great tea, just lacking in so much comparatively speaking. Sweet and deep, just not as much as the other version. Now if only I could remember what it was called!
Oh and this was very crisp. One part of my two infusions that I quite enjoyed :)

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300 tasting notes

Hmm I’ve been drinking this all day and I really liked the first steep. It really hit the spot, it was sweet and mineral and there was some cocoa I had no idea would make an appearance. The second was a little off at first but developed into a nice rich cup, the cocoa was still there but it was more roasty and woodsy and had a hint of I guess what others are describing as apricot, later there was a bit of a muscatel note that I was definitely smelling in the wet leaves (almost artichoke) the third had even more of this almost Darjeeling quality but it got smoother towards the end of the cup. The last half dozen or so though have reminded me more of really late steeps of a pu-erh and were kinda lackluster for me. Will revisit soon, but I think I might prefer the Huang Zhi.

Edit: just revived this with a one minute steep (had only got as high as 30 sec) with a bit more water for the leaves to move around in. Much better, will continue steeping this evening. Update: I actually got five more infusions out of this adding about 30 sec to each one after I got to a min, I ended at 3 mins for a grand total of I have no idea how many infusions but well over a dozen.

The husband asked to try some late last night as I refused to make him another breakfast tea. I suspected he would not appreciate it and told him as much. After two sips he told me your right I don’t and handed the cup back to me. I asked if he tasted anything and replied “yeah metal”, that particular cup was all sweet mineral with a bit of mint. I enjoyed the last of the infusions though they were very mild and reminded me of pu-erh (but in a better way this time) it was like drinking some of the essence of a very old forest.

Next time I shall up the steep time after the first three cups and use a bit more water to get the tea leaves in motion. Withholding a numerical rating until then. Now off to work, just three more shifts.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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250 tasting notes

This is exciting for two reasons: It’s the free sample that came with my most recent Verdant order, and it’s my first Dancong Oolong. My first impression of the armoa is that this tea is way different than my usual fare. The aroma is both fruity and spicy, completely different than my usual Wuyi Oolongs. In a way, it’s refreshing. The taste of the first infusion is also very different, bu also amazing. A mineral taste – similar yet different than the signature Wuyi aftertaste – dominates, and after a bit, apricot flavors make themselves known. The tea reminds me a bit of these cookies that my grandmother makes, which made the tea more enjoyable.

The second infusion has some sort of spice present. The tasting note on Verdant’s website say that it’s cinnamon, but it’s overpowered by the mineral and apricot right now, so I can’t verify that. This cup was also a bit sweeter, which made the apricot more assertive.

Quick word of advice: DON’T LET THIS TEA GET COLD! Man, astringent apricot and cold water does not work.

Anyway, the third infusion was much less fruity/mineral, and the cinnamon has developed nicely. This was much more like the Oolongs that I am used to, but it is still uniqe, with a fruity aftertaste that is less subtle and most.

The fourth and final infusion continued to develop complexity, but things were still in transition, and flavors were a bit indistinct. Sadly, I can’t drink more tea, or I won’t go to sleep early enough. In the end, this is an interesting tea, with new flavor profiles and intriguing development patterns, but it’s not really my thing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very good, but I don’t think I could drink it regularly.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec

Now that’s a tease…that does that mean?!

Joshua Smith

Sorry, something went wrong when I saved that note…

Regardless, my full take on the first infusion is now up, with no messed-up formatting.


MMMMMMmmmm cookies. And apricot. Sounds delicious!

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