Tea type
Rooibos Tea
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Honey, Malt, Orange, Raisins, Vanilla
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
Boiling 1 min, 15 sec 5 g 8 oz / 236 ml

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7 Tasting Notes View all

From Verdant Tea (Special)

Cold rainy days call for fine bourbon.
This blend is inspired by the oak and vanilla notes
of American Bourbon.
We tap into an array of herbals to create the creamy but
potent flavor this blend is going for, from Ashwaganda
and chicory to orange peel and rooibos. Sip this on its own,
Or infuse in neutral spirits for a great mix-in.

About Verdant Tea (Special) View company

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7 Tasting Notes

484 tasting notes

Old sample from Tea Sipper. Thank You!

I think this has lost most of it’s flavor, since it pretty much tastes like a smooth woody rooibos to be. Kind of a shame since it sounds like it was one a very interesting tea. Every reviewer seems to have had a different experience with this tea, which is interesting. I’d try it again if I had the chance.

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4343 tasting notes

Here’s Hoping Traveling Teabox Round #3 – Tea #23
Another really odd blend from Verdant. I’m not even sure what these ingredients are… looks like some things I’ve never seen before. I wish Steepsterers who had the info for these blends (or Verdant) would update the Steepster page at least with the ingredients… it could become a potential allergy issue. Anyway, the dry leaf scent is not at all appealing. I decided to try it anyway… like the pear tea I had the other day I figured the dry scent could be entirely different from the flavor. Not here. The flavor seems kind of woody and kind of like BBQ. It definitely seems like something that would say ‘cask’ to me. And of course the natural woodiness of the rooibos helps. Sipped it while catching up on Supernatural… I’m going to be so sad when I’m done with season five but the new season will be epic, I hope. I can’t wait for the meta music episode!
Steep #1 // few min after boiling // 3 min

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1271 tasting notes

From the Here’s Hoping Teabox 3.

Whole Lotta “nope nope nope” for this tea for my tastes. It’s chicory, stevia like sweet, dirt floor, medicinal herby, rooibos chippy blarrgg! Reminds me of those tiny glass bottle ginseng bottle concoctions my mom would make me drink before exams

However, I could see a coffee drinker liking this for that thick chicory flavor. Maybe. Something my dad would drink. On the good side, this is pretty flavor packed for a rooibos tea.

Boiling 1 min, 30 sec
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gmathis 11 years ago

Hmmm…I’d be OK without the stevia…

tea-sipper 11 years ago

Oh I WISH I had thought to drink ginseng before exams… it definitely helps my brain but I guess I didn’t know that at the time.

Oolong Owl 11 years ago

I dunno if it had stevia in it, but it had that same sweetness that hits your tongue kinda weird.

Ha, I dunno if the ginseng worked for me, but the taste certainly had me perked up for a test!

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6 tasting notes

This tea was just not for me. Yuck

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1379 tasting notes

Another Verdant club sample :)

The blend smells exactly like Christmas pudding, it’s remarkable! It has an orange, raisin, malt essence that is the spit of Christmas Pudding, I have never sniffed anything that is a perfect match before. It should perhaps be known that I thoroughly enjoy the smell of Christmas pudding but am not a fan of eating it, so I opt out each year. That will make this an interesting tea to taste. But when you think about it a Christmas pudding is usually coated in whiskey and set alight so perhaps that is where the whisky part of this comes from? Bourbon and whisky being very similar and both favourites of mine.

Steeping 5g of this into my 200ml gongfu (which is just under 8oz) with freshly boiled water.

The tea colour is golden brown (much a like bourbon/whisky) and has a sweet yet roasted scent, reminds me of rooibos.

Flavour is of medium strength with a touch of smoke and malt which dominate a sweet rooibos base. After taste is sweet like vanilla or almond, more than just the rooibos, and it lingers on the tongue. Also has a light leather taste after a few sips. As it cools it picks up a sour tone and becomes honeyed.

Does it taste like bourbon? Honestly no, though I would say it has a some resemblance. It’s an enjoyable blend and I am very happy to have tried this one. I would buy this one. I find it tastes better as it cools, becomes more bourbon like when it’s luke warm. :)

Flavors: Honey, Malt, Orange, Raisins, Vanilla

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec 5 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

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557 tasting notes

I liked this one pretty good, tho I don’t consider it a Tea it is a pretty good “coffee” type drink.
This one to me tastes like a chicory, dandelion herbal coffee substitute, I can’t taste very much of the orange peel or anything else really other than maybe the burdock.
My review of this is prolly biased because I’m very fond of chicory dandelion coffee substitutes, I like the slightly bitter herbal coffeelike goodness and thats what this one is to me.
It can brew up really dark and nice if you let it, If you have some from your verdant TOTM club brew it strong and treat it like a coffee, If you have an espresso maker machine you can totally make this tea in there and it is the best.
I’ll be brewing this in my Espresso maker from time to time in the mornings until I run out of it, Luckily I was able to get some more so hopefully I wont run out any time soon :)

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129 tasting notes

This MIGHT have been ok with a black base?¿?
I can’t taste the orange peel which I believe would
have enhanced the experience for me.
I am not crazy about almond extract either.
Nothing about this is my style, blech…

5 g 8 OZ / 236 ML
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Angrboda 11 years ago

The name of this one would appeal to Husband immensely, whisky enthusiast that he is. :D

CelebriTEA 11 years ago

LOL…I could drink whiskey If I weren’t dieting, but this (to me) doesn’t correlate to whiskey when I drink it ?

Tommy Toadman 11 years ago

This one seems more like a substitute for coffee rather than a tea, but I liked it a lot. It does not correlate to whiskey to me either.

Angrboda 11 years ago

‘Cask strength’ is a whisky term. It neams the alcohol strength of the whisky in the cask. When bottled, it’s usually watered down to around 40% because that makes far less expensive to produce and the taste more appealing to most consumers. You can get some that were bottled at cask strength, which you would then dilute yourself when drinking but these are very expensive. These are the things I’ve learned with a whisky enthusiast Husband and ditto father. Never touch the stuff myself, it’s icky.

I imagine they probably thought the rooibos base could simulate the wood of the cask, maybe? Rooibos has a sort of wood-y flavour to me.

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