Master Han's Wild-Picked 2013 Yabao

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Dinosara
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C

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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown, 128. Ah, yabao. I know when I drink it, I am going to be drinking a forest. It is gross out today, hot and humid. I want my fall weather, dammit. I thought maybe drinking a piney forest...” Read full tasting note
  • “The is from the July Reserve TOMC, & it is a sipdown. I’ve been sipping on this one for awhile, probably about an hour or so. It has good energy to it, but I’m probably about done with it. How...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog from the last session of gong fu fun at *Dinosara*’s beautiful cabin before she moved ); this one from her collection. Quick rinse… 15 seconds: smells like and earthy puerh! Tastes a...” Read full tasting note
  • “soooo forever ago i went to write this tasting note. Got an extreme, almost migraine headache…and didn’t write anything. I can’t remember anything i was going to write besides this reconfirms for...” Read full tasting note

From Verdant Tea (Special)

Reserve Club – July

Every month or two, one of Master Han’s incredible teas makes its way into the reserve club. This is because we believe that he is a true representation Yunnan tea culture at its best. Yunnan is one of the most bio-diverse places on earth, and the tea trees grow wild in the forests among other trees and plants. The high elevation, cool weather and remoteness make Yunnan one of the most perfect places on earth to grow tea.

Master Han recognizes this, and applies a deep respect for the land to what he does. Living in the middle of the Mt Ailao national forest preserve, and spearheading the organization of the Dongsa farmers cooperative, Master Han wild-picks his tea. Every harvest will be carefully evaluated and made into whatever fits it best, from looseleaf sheng, to black tea, to tuochas.

Usually once or twice a year, Master Han finds a perfect opportunity to pick several of the hard-encased tea shoots (little baby branches more than buds). Careful picking of these is what makes yabao tea. Master Han’s yabao is unlike any other yabao we have ever seen. This is why it is one of the only teas we have re-introduced to the Reserve Club at a later harvest to compare the uniqueness of each picking.

This yabao can be steeped out almost indefinitely, yielding a light but incredibly deep brew with woody earthy notes, pine and fir tree flavor and sparkling sweetness. Taste this tea, and you are tasting Master Hans Forest.

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5 Tasting Notes

2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 128. Ah, yabao. I know when I drink it, I am going to be drinking a forest.

It is gross out today, hot and humid. I want my fall weather, dammit. I thought maybe drinking a piney forest would be cooling. First sip of the first steep is interesting! Not as piney as I was expecting. Actually very smooth, creamy, and a bit sweet. Notes of green leaves, but not entirely in a savory way. Like kale ice cream or something, although that sounds horrible. This is not, and I’m surprised that I am enjoying it as much as I am. This yabao reminds me more of the silver buds yabao than of the older yabao that came previously in the reserve club.

A few steeps in it loses the sweetness and becomes more leafy, but it’s never as earthy, woody, or piney as I expected. This was a really interesting and lovely tea, and one I’m really glad I got a chance to try.

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3294 tasting notes

The is from the July Reserve TOMC, & it is a sipdown.
I’ve been sipping on this one for awhile, probably about an hour or so. It has good energy to it, but I’m probably about done with it. How to describe it? Kind of woody, kind of sweet, kind of bland. I think the last time I drank this, the steeped leaf ended up in a jar of water in the frig, to become an refreshing Ent’s-draught, & I think this one is headed in the same direction.


Yabao is some weird stuff



Terri HarpLady

yeah, I’m just not a fan of Yabao. It was maybe interesting the first couple of times, but give me some god damn tea, will ya?

Terri HarpLady

Preferably something black

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122 tasting notes

Backlog from the last session of gong fu fun at *Dinosara*’s beautiful cabin before she moved ); this one from her collection.
Quick rinse…
15 seconds: smells like and earthy puerh! Tastes a little earthy, but also sweet, like sweetened ceylon tea made from a fresh tea leaf. It has a certain silky mouthfeel that I associate with puerhs…
30 seconds: same as above, with an extra earthy smell.
1 minute: weak this steep. Sweet ceylon plus…. earthy sheng?
1 minute something…: Pretty much lost black tea flavor, tasting much more puerh-like, even with that mouthfeel, like vicks vapo-rub? Astringency that’s not astringency?! I have no words to describe it!
Overall, I found it interesting. I’m glad I just picked up the yabao from Whispering Pines today.

185 °F / 85 °C

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15588 tasting notes

soooo forever ago i went to write this tasting note. Got an extreme, almost migraine headache…and didn’t write anything. I can’t remember anything i was going to write besides this reconfirms for me that yabao, is so NAO for me :)

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