Master Han's 2013 Sheng Pu'er (Amoda)

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Grapes, Wood
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by ashleyelizabeth
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec 5 g 8 oz / 234 ml

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From Verdant Tea (Special)

This tea was offered as part of the Feb 2014 Amoda Box

Pu’er is the only tea that’s fermented. There are two types of pu’er: Sheng (“raw”), which is not oxidized & Shou (“cooked”), which is oxidized. Sheng pu’er is the most prized. It is an investment bought young and set aside to age. Shou p’er is less expensive and the type that you would normally buy to drink right away. Let’s be crazy and drink this sheng now – it’s ready to drink. Try this, and then get some more from Verdant to try in 5-10 years! If you steep this tea in a small vessel multiple times, you’ll see that each successive steep hints at the beauty this tea will show as it ages. Enjoy Master Han’s 2013 pu’er, picked from wild tea trees in the Qiajianzhai region of Yunnan.

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11 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

I re-steeped this three times, and it was really good! It still surprises me that 10 seconds is the right amount of time to steep, but apparently it is. APPARENTLY.

It started off as sweet and lightly creamy, but progressed to a woodsier brew. I probably could have kept going with it but I dumped my leaves into the sink and then figured it was time to move onto a different tea. But I am learning to enjoy puerhs more and maybe there’s something to Sheng.

This tea really made me happy I grabbed the Amoda box because I likely would not have had it any time soon and getting pushed out of my comfort zone is just what I need!

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec

….there are a few that i’ve set aside for you to try at my place…as i get through my samples, i’m just saving half of all of them for you :) then you can explore lots of puerhs without buying any, since terri and grace and a few others have been overly generous to me


Thanks! :)

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1327 tasting notes

This tea is by this company from this company by this farmer.. holy middle man smoley… But it is a good thing for the farmer. More eyes on his tea.

Marine attributes will assault your nose first. Fish market. Seaweed. Salted dried fish. And raw woods. Green woods. That is all in the liquor aroma. The marine notes fade for the woody notes in the flavor. Deep mossy woods. Red wood forest. There is an astringency but it doesn’t fully develop until you steep it longer. It’s slightly metallic when steeped too long. It is also very smooth on the palate.

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2291 tasting notes

Interesting, but no.

Anyone interested in this one? People who I have on my shipping list preferred. :)


I’ve been super curious about this one. But still on the fence lol


I’ll send it to you! It smells super good but it didn’t taste the way it smelled to me. I haven’t had a lot of shengs, but I think the earthy-smoky flavour is pretty common.


Haha pooo is delicious!


Sil, I think you are slightly deluded. Poo is NOT delicious. Puer(h) CAN be delicious. Sometimes.


dude….you try staying sane through barfy wedding planning. I need a drink.


poooooooerh :P


Oh poor Sil. Where’s your shot glass? I’ll wirelessly pour you a drink. :D


shot glass? TOO SMALL!


Sorry, sorry… Where’s your fish bowl then? A new one that hasn’t seen fish?


Oh! Or your iced tea pitcher. ;)


yes! all the drinks!


haha you guys are funny :P
Don’t forget the straw…


OMGsrsly – I hope there is something I have that I can return in kind! :)


Eh, no worries. Share some random things if you like, but it’s not like I really need more tea right now. :) (This will fit in Sil’s box, I think… that OK?)


Of course…. At least it’s fine on my end lol I’ll have missB’s teas to share with the group..


Perfect by me!

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518 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking a lot of oolong the last couple of days, and I wanted to do something different. I found this in my pantry. I’d forgotten I had it!

I should have looked at the clock because I have plans this evening that come with a good length car trip to start. Well, hopefully I can find a place to stop when I have to, because I can’t stop drinking this tea.

I dumped the first two quick rinses, as I’ve seen that suggested recently. Then I really started into this tea.

oh emm gee


sweet but almost floral. Barely earthy, but it’s there. Creamy. Incredibly creamy.

Each infusion is a little different than the previous one.

I can’t believe how beautiful this tea is. And that I didn’t try it until now.

What was I thinking?!?

Even on the 6th infusion, I’m still getting such sweet notes to this, but it’s getting a little woody-ish. Sort of.

It’s hard to describe the beautiful party happening in my mouth with each sip.

I want more. I need more. I have to stop drinking because we have to leave very soon.

I’m going to hold the leaves and hope they’re still good when we get back.

Okay, tea friends, since I love this tea, what other sheng pu-erhs do you recommend???

205 °F / 96 °C 5 g 5 OZ / 147 ML

Shengs are more like green tea right?


This one reminded me of a white, actually.


Other shengs that I love are Wild Mountain Green and Wild Monk from Mandala. mrmopar and Sammerz and Rich and DigniTea can give you all sorts of suggestions.


What am I likely to like if I prefer black teas?


For me, and I am a pretty HARDCORE unflavored (with the exception of natural flavors) black tea gal and I like both. A lot. They do different things for me. Why don’t I send you a little of each and you can see what you might like?


I don’t really drink green tea.


That would be nice! I tried special dark once and didn’t like it much, I’m afraid I don’t “get” puerh yet but I want to keep trying.


Oh, I was going to send you SD, so that’s good to know. I will send something different. Oh, I got your swap package today!! Thank yo so much. I can’t wait to try them.


Anything else you would like to try?


This sounds wonderful! I’m adding to my wishlist. :)


white2tea has a ton of shengs. never tried them but I am in the near future, a little bird told me to wait a bit though.


Honestly Marzipan, I am kind of drowning in tea right now for real and true so not right now – but thank you so much for offering. Maybe after I tame this giant sea of tea I have – I need to tin it and organize it and OMG it’s out of hand!

I just took a look at it all and I’m a little freaked out and there is some on the way and I need an intervention.


The offer will stand after you tame the beast :)


Thank you :) Really I’m starting to worry about myself now. I’m pretty sure that after this weekend and the orders that are coming, I’m going to end up over 200. Yikes! I have no where to put it all, some is going to have to move to the living room. I needto spend some quality time with it and see what to do about it. And drink it :)


Between the really high credit card bill a couple of months back, and how much my tea collection has expanded in the last few months, I stopped buying tea (mostly.) I’m back to where I think I’m ready to start buying because my expenditures have been low, but the pantry is still overflowing. I need to at least organize what I have before ordering more, I think. But I do want to try to find some good sheng pu-erhs to try because this one was amazing.

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62 tasting notes

This sheng impressed me from the start. The dry leaves had a grapey aroma, reminiscent of a first flush Darjeeling. The grapey aroma lightly carries into the flavor along with a smoky aftertaste. This is a mellow sheng, even with only one year of aging. The musty, woodsy flavors are not prominent at all. This is a great sheng to start with if you’d like to try pu’er tea.

Flavors: Grapes, Wood

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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4843 tasting notes


A very special Pu-erh. A young one, so definitely one that I’ll hold on to for a while before I drink the rest of it. Let it age a bit.

Very little earthiness here, as I would expect from such a young Pu-erh. It is more vegetal than it is earthy. The vegetative taste falls somewhere between steamed spinach and kelp.

A light, refreshing Pu-erh, sweet and slightly floral, and there is a creaminess to this that took me by surprise. A distinct nutty tone and a bright citrus note too.

A really interesting pu-erh, I’m glad I got to try it. Here’s my full-length review:

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836 tasting notes

Smooth smoky, woodsy, musty flavour.

Subsequent infusions at 2 and 3 minutes were more flavourful. I would definitely try this one again with a longer first time infusion.

Rating: 83

Thanks to Kittenna for sharing with me!

Boiling 0 min, 45 sec 3 tsp 13 OZ / 375 ML

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761 tasting notes

Broke this out this morning. It’s the first, and probably only February Amoda tea I’ll have, because the others are too floral for me, and I have sensitivities to florals.

This is pretty tasty, but honestly, it is no better than the Sheng Pu Erh I can get locally from David’s. They’re extremely similar.

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6119 tasting notes

I haven’t seen anybody’s else’s reviews on this one (because I’ve been lazy, I see that they are there), but I was pleasantly surprised by this tea. I put maybe 2 or so tsp of tea in the filter basket, and gave it a 45s infusion to start – quite delicious. No fishiness (that’s usually shu anyhow), no strange flavours, just creaminess and that wild sheng flavour that I’m familiar with. I’m drinking the second infusion now (I let it go for a minute), and I’m still pretty blown away at how good this is. This may in fact get me back into drinking my shengs from Verdant that have been sitting a while – I’ve given quite a few to my mom, who likes them more than I, but I think now’s the time to try them again myself.

Although the tea description indicates a “bright astringency”, I can’t say I’m catching any astringency at all; this is just smooth, sweet, nutty, and VERY enjoyable. Great selection, Amoda/Verdant – a perfect intro pu’erh, but with plenty of nuances for experienced drinkers to enjoy as well.

Boiling 0 min, 45 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

How many steeps did you get?


Great question! I have no idea, 7 months later. But I have more, and will try to keep track :)


lol I shall keep my eye out then

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612 tasting notes

This one surprised me. I don’t know why but I was expecting not to be super into it, some vaguely recollected notion I haven’t been wowed by the few Verdant pu erhs I’ve tried so far and also didn’t love Master Han’s Wild Picked Yunnan Black. While this didn’t blow my mind completely I really enjoyed it, particularly the first steep. I was amazed at how overwhelmingly creamy and sweet it smelled, that whole “how can this be just tea leaves?!” reaction (it reminded me a little of my awe at Verdant’s Shui Jin Gui Wuyi Oolong, one of my all-time favorites). It was so full of aroma and surprising color and body for something only steeped 10 seconds (there’s Verdant for you!). And it continued to be flavorful for many resteeps, though the creamy sweetness recedes and something more savory steps in, with some dry woodiness I kind of like. There’s a good chance I didn’t wash my cup out well enough between this and the Della Terra Dirty Chai earlier in the night because the last few steeps had a weird (this sounds so gross but it’s true) band-aid-like aroma (a clean new band-aid!), that sort of plasticky sticky smell.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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