Pulled this to replace a recent sipdown and serve as my Ode to Tea K entry! This tea was provided to me way back in 2018 from Meowster during a cupboard clearout, thank you!
Brewed 2.8g in 350ml 195F water with a 3 minute steep. Didn’t have any time to drink before work so I had to throw the tea in a thermos and jet off, and it is hard to smell much that far down the container (I didn’t even have time to brew a full thermos…) The only thing I can say for certain is “bready” until I’m able to make this tea at home, in a cup, with the proper time to drink it…
An hour later of my thermos sitting on my desk with the cap off and this is finally cool enough to drink (these Contigos don’t mess around). I’m getting a bit of malt, a wheat/rye baked bread, spices, a hint of smoke, and an indistant citrus note that leaves the tiniest tang at the end of the sip. Some sips are slightly grapey, others aren’t.
I have no idea how old this tea could possibly be by now (it could’ve already been quite old by the time Meowster de-stashed it, and I’ve added another three years onto that…) but this is perfectly servicable as a first-of-the-morning-hot-caffeine-infusion, despite the age.
Flavors: Bread, Citrus, Malt, Muscatel, Rye, Smoke, Spices, Wheat
I’m notorious for waiting years to get to swaps/teabox samples/cupboard sales… and pretty much all my other tea, too. sad
I try to have any tea at least once as soon as I get it, to try it as fresh as I can! That doesn’t always happen though. Luckily I haven’t received much new tea in the last few months, especially to try to get to these stragglers.
I’ve stopped doing that since I figure if I keep the package air-sealed, it’ll have less flavor deterioration overall by the time I get around to it…