Doomni Estate Assam SFTGFOP CL

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Malt, Metallic
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Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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2 Tasting Notes View all

  • “For no other reason than convention, I usually don’t brew a pot of Assam after lunch. I brewed this sample this evening and am sipping my way through it now, looking for a kick to keep my writing...” Read full tasting note
  • “This Assam is ok. Its easy to brew too strong and get a bitter cup. Though when you get the right amount of leaf, its a fair example of a malty, coppery cup of Assam. It does have a bit of a...” Read full tasting note

From Upton Tea Imports

The attractive, tippy leaves produce an enticing cup with a malty character and flavor notes of dark berries. With its pleasing, subtle sweetness and well-balanced flavor profile, we suggest trying it straight but if desired, it could accommodate a splash of milk.

About Upton Tea Imports View company

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2 Tasting Notes

12 tasting notes

For no other reason than convention, I usually don’t brew a pot of Assam after lunch. I brewed this sample this evening and am sipping my way through it now, looking for a kick to keep my writing going for a few more hours. You might mistake this Assam for a strong Ceylon black tea; while it tastes like an Assam, it isn’t too malty up front and it has a pleasant backbone to it that lasts for seconds. It’s not your strong, malty, smack-you-on-both-cheeks Assam! I would consider this tea both in the morning or, unlike other Assams, later in the day, too.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec
Bonnie 12 years ago

I do like a good smack in the cheeks though!

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492 tasting notes

This Assam is ok. Its easy to brew too strong and get a bitter cup. Though when you get the right amount of leaf, its a fair example of a malty, coppery cup of Assam. It does have a bit of a metallic aftertaste that is more pronounced with too much leaf, but becomes less pronounced as a cup cools. On the whole, I’d call this drinkable but I wouldn’t rush to purchase or call it a daily drinker.

Flavors: Malt, Metallic

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