ZH90: Ancient Forest Green Pu-erh

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Boiling 0 min, 45 sec

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Birthday ==> shipment of teas! How can you go wrong with “ancient forest”? This is an unusual leaf. I’ve never seen sheng leaf that looks like this. Excellently, this lack of the every day...” Read full tasting note
  • “I haven’t been drinking much pu-erh lately, I think when the weather is bright and sunny I am definitely into lighter teas. But, when you live in San Francisco it seems like you are never more than...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was pleasantly surprised with this one. It brewed up to an orange hue after 3 minutes and it has that intoxicating and mysterious Sheng energy that I love. I for whatever reason cannot place...” Read full tasting note
  • “a green puerh! oh ancient forest! it’s the usual sweet wood and muddy tasting while adding a tinge of greener freshness. that slight green bitterness you might be used to. totally still a...” Read full tasting note

From Upton Tea Imports

This uncooked Pu-Erh was produced from a single batch production in 1995, the leaves being gathered from the ancient tea forest in Yunnan. The aroma is inviting, with a high fired suggestion similar to a gunpowder green tea. A buttery quality is notable in the liquor, as well as a sweet note and woody nuance.

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7 Tasting Notes

368 tasting notes

Birthday ==> shipment of teas!

How can you go wrong with “ancient forest”?

This is an unusual leaf. I’ve never seen sheng leaf that looks like this.

Excellently, this lack of the every day translates into the cup, as well. A thick, brothy cup is easily achieved and the flavor profile is bold and bright without being too wooly or sharp.

I picked this up on a whim as I was placing an order and I’m glad I did.

It has been raining for a week solid and forecasted for a week more (when did I get transported to Seattle) and this is a great “cozy” cup.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec

I have to admit, little phrases in a tea’s title can make me a lot more likely to buy the tea. “Ancient Forest” is something that would definitely lure me in.


Rain…I vaguely remember that… (Funny; not four months ago, I was looking at a creek bank in my neighbor’s backyard; now I’m looking at shredded wheat growing in my own.)




Happy day to you, happy blessed year to come!

Invader Zim

Happy belated birthday! Hope many healthy years to come.


Belated best wishes, Jim! May the year ahead be a healthy, happy and prosperous one for you!

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2816 tasting notes

I haven’t been drinking much pu-erh lately, I think when the weather is bright and sunny I am definitely into lighter teas. But, when you live in San Francisco it seems like you are never more than a week away from more dreary fog.

I have a lot of pu-erh but this sample caught my attention when they said it tastes like a gunpowder tea. I had to steep this regular infuser mug method.

In any case — yum! Gunpowder indeed. This is a very assertive, bold tea with quite a smoky/woodsy element and a lemony “tang”. There is a bit of sweetness present, but the finish is definitely a bit astringent and palate cleansing. I think this would be a great tea to have with savory food.

For the second steep I am getting slightly more sweetness and less smoke than the first. My cup is a dark yellow and very fragrant. This is definitely a powerful, invigorating tea. The year of production was 1995, so this has a few years on it already.

I do have a lot of green pu-erhs but only one of them is a loose leaf. I am enjoying this a lot and am adding it to my Upton wish list for future reference.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 15 sec
Scott B

Dreary fog sounds nice.


I will take dreary fog over sweltering heat and humidity, but sometimes going for weeks without seeing the sun is depressing.

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294 tasting notes

I was pleasantly surprised with this one. It brewed up to an orange hue after 3 minutes and it has that intoxicating and mysterious Sheng energy that I love. I for whatever reason cannot place any particular flavor other than SHENG. Sheng is what it is. I am sure as with most Sheng this will be steeped multiple times even after a long initial steep. This is a winner and the price is resonable. It compares with some of the finest that I have had.


I liked it too! I think I need more. :)

Charles Thomas Draper

I am about to order a ton of black tea samples and I may get a full order of this. It has a great energy.


ooh- will you get 100 grams? This tea seems to be aging nicely. I wonder what it will be like in 10 years?

Charles Thomas Draper

Perhaps. Yes it is aging very nicely. 10 years? Sublime


they also have a beeng I was looking at today. :)

Charles Thomas Draper

I did not enjoy that one as much. I know I did not post a review.


good to know. :)

Jim Marks

They must have greatly expanded their line. The last time I paid any real attention to Upton’s pu-erh offerings all they had was shou.

If you want some super serious pu-erhs, try here:



Jim, is there any puerh in particular from C.S. you would recommend? Their aged sheng does look verey interesting.

Charles Thomas Draper

I am tempted to buy from them. They have some serious tea. Not just Pu-erh.

Jim Marks

@Amy, sadly, one of my favorites from them, the 1992 Naka Lahu, is sold out. Hands down one of the best teas I’ve ever had. The 2002 Chung Cha is also gone. These were my first two sheng, and by far the best ones I’ve had (and the oldest by a good decade in the case of the ’96, although I have had a ’78 shou).

I didn’t like the Long Jing Meijawu or the Lapsang souchong biologique very much, but read my reviews to see if that’s just my personal taste.

The Long Jing Shi Feng 3 I liked quite a bit.

I keep putting off another order to them until I can justify spending obscene amounts of money on pu-erh. Which, since I currently own a house, is never.


@Jim – i know you feel, I’ve been trying to reign in my tea spending as well

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813 tasting notes

a green puerh!
oh ancient forest!
it’s the usual sweet wood and muddy tasting while adding a tinge of greener freshness. that slight green bitterness you might be used to. totally still a puerh.
it’s an overcast day and this tea is very very warming. the earthiness of a good puerh is unparalleled.
it’s gonna be a good day.

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