a Japanese black :D I’m very excited, I don’t think I’ve ever had one.
Oh wow, this is lovely. the first steep is nice and earthy, with hints of fruits, apricot, apple but also vegetal, with mild astringency, and light cocoa notes.
The second brings a bit of earthy spinach, a small amount of meaty notes, and nice cocoa, with still apricot and apple
Very distinctly spinach now, it’s like the vegetality and the earthiness separated into two different components, everything became really clear in the third steep; theres also a sort of carrotty thing going on, and maybe a sort of radish taste. There’s also sort of orange notes, or tangerine, a bit more astringent now.
Fourth steep is about the same, just a bit creamier and more chocolatey, sweeter, more astringent.
Fifth has more chocolate, and it seems like the clarity developed in the third steep is gone, all the flavours melded together again in a dark chocolatey radishy sweet carrotty .. earthy.. thing
Sixth is developing a bit of vanilla, very chocolatey, very astringent
The seventh tastes almost like bergamot, maybe I’m crazy though cause I had an earl grey for the first time in months yesterday so..
It fades into sweet, fruity, vegetal goodness :) it’s really a lovely black.
Flavors: Apple, Apricot, Astringent, Bergamot, Carrot, Chocolate, Cocoa, Dark Chocolate, Earth, Fruity, Grass, Orange, Spinach, Sweet, Vanilla, Vegetal