Unknown Tisane

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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2 Tasting Notes

2291 tasting notes

Juniper Rooibos from The Capilano.

Delicious. Fruity, herbaly, and I’m very sad it can’t be bought anymore.

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16455 tasting notes

One of the weird “mystery teas” given to me by a coworker – came in a vacuum sealed golden foil bag with ZERO words on it at all, but she said the box it was in was a mix of assorted “Chinese Herbal Infusions”. For a bit more background you can check out this tasting note too:


I’m actually not entirely sure what this one was, even after steeping it up Gongfu and going through the process of inspecting the dry leaves and wet leaves. My best guess would be some kind of dried seaweed – but a different coworker suggested maybe lotus leaves? I’ve had lotus leaves before though and they tasted pretty different from whatever this was so I feel less confident about that…

The dry leaf smelled a little sweet, but mostly very saline/fishy – which was the first indicator it might be seaweed. Steeped, the liquor colour was a very yellow-y amber, kind of like the urine of someone really dehydrated? Unpleasant imagery, I know – but it was a really unpleasant tea. I did five steeps, with an assortment of water temperatures and steep times, and every time this was one of the most (if not THE most) unpleasant teas I’ve ever drank. I don’t think I’ve ever tasted something both so cloyingly sweet and astringent/bitter at the same time – I only managed to take a sip of each of the five steeps and I basically gagged every time. After five attempts I just gave up.

I’d like to think that if I knew what this tisane was that maybe I could have brewed it better than just blindly guessing – but there’s a very real possibility that this was just disgusting…

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