Going to borrow this Steepster page to write about the other tea mentioned in this tasting note: https://steepster.com/roswellstrange/posts/388247#likes
Like the other tea that my roommate was gifted from China & shared, we drank this one Grandpa style. I wish I knew more background on this tea, but alas I do not. Visually it was STUNNING though; super huge leaves, and almost completely golden/tippy. Amazing dry aroma of chocolate. Steeped, it was also deeply chocolate tasting, but with undertones of malt and sweet potato. Very rich, and smooth – full bodied. I LOVED it,
So once again, thank you to my roommate Jennifer for the share!
EDIT: The leaf looked sort of like this, but the leaves were wider across and a bit fuzzier than how the picture looks…