As I’ve said a few times previously, Emperor’s Red was starting to taste a little lackluster now that I’ve come under the sway of Mr. Keemun Mao Feng! It’s still a nice tea, but I wanted a little more “oomph!” So, I blended together the Emperor, some Panyang Congou from Harney, some Upton China Black, and some Upton Keemun Mao Feng.
…and I love it! I used about 2 oz of the Emperor, so you can still taste him in all his tangy roasty glory, but the few tablespoons I put in of each of the other teas added a little backbone to the blend. I am especially loving the little bit of pastry the China Black is adding!
I now have a tin full of something I’m excited to drink! It’s a perfect daily drinker – delicious, great sans additions, tastes good with any food pairing. Horray for tea experiments!