Strawberry Vanilla

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Fruit Green Blend
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  • “I reviewed this for Sororitea Sisters and it has posted, so now I can share the tasting note! I first...” Read full tasting note

From Tin Roof Teas

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1 Tasting Note

3503 tasting notes

I reviewed this for Sororitea Sisters and it has posted, so now I can share the tasting note!

I first tried this tea about seven years ago and I continue to pick it up now and then because it is really good to have on shelf. It is so easy to like and appeals to people who already love tea as well as people who are just starting on their tea journey. It pairs well with desserts and is lovely as a stand alone cup.

Although this came from Tin Roof Teas, I am 99.9% sure that it is sourced from Teageschwendner.

My excuse for buying this when I already have tons of tea is that my husband loves strawberry flavored teas, and he doesn’t like as many teas as I do, so I keep this on hand FOR HIM. That’s my story and I am sticking to it.

The green base is a blend from three countries – India, Japan, and China. I think Indian green must be excellent for aroma teas because I am pretty sure Harney and Sons uses a lot of it in their flavored greens. It is pretty mild and very smooth, and has just enough briskness to make this go really well with food. If tea is too mild, food flavors can overwhelm it so you taste pretty much nothing, like drinking a cup of hot water.

The strawberry flavor is fresh and the tiniest bit tart like a real strawberry. This is all smoothed over by the lovely hint of warm vanilla.

I like to steep this at 175F for three minutes and resteep right away, combining the two for an economical pot. It works really well.

Tin Roof Teas is in Raleigh, NC. They do ship and some of their teas are available on Amazon.
Their Moroccan Mint is blended in house and is my hands down favorite of the type. And their Tung Ting is mouthwateringly good. There is a 15% discount for your first order after signing up for their newsletter, so go wild!

Now, not related to the tea but a funny tale about the Ashman that I wanted to share!

We had mild weather last Saturday so middle daughter hung her blankets out to dry. Unbeknownst to her, a little bee nestled on the fabric and as temps dropped toward evening he fell asleep. (This has happened before with both bees and lizards.) She brought the blankets in and left them in the laundry basket where the bee woke up due to the lovely warmth! Bee flies into den, Ashman gets an empty granola bar box to catch it because he doesn’t want to kill it. The bee practically flew right into the box, which he covered with a magazine and carried outside.

He comes in and I ask him if he released the bee and he said….he put it on the fleece blanket over the back of the porch rockers. BUT he tucked it into a fold so it wouldn’t get eaten by a bird in the morning before it has a chance to warm up.

Y’all. He tucked in a bee.

Sunday morning, he checks his bee and it is still sleeping peacefully in the blanket. So he pulls the rocker into a sunny spot and turns it so the bee is facing the sun. Hours later, he reports that he checked the fold of the blanket and his bee has flown away.

I hope this summer to have a story about jars of honey mysteriously appearing on our doorstep.


I love your story about the bee. ❤ Bees are so important, so protecting them where we can is awesome!

Cameron B.

Aww the lil’ bee! I ❤ Ashman.

Martin Bednář

Who would kill such a purposeful and cute animals?!
Good man Ashman :)

White Antlers

Awww! That bee story sounds like a modern day fairy tale. God bless Ashman for respecting bees. : )


Your husband just earned some major karma points or something! Glad the bee lived to make honey another day. :)

Tiffany :)

That is sweet… bees are the only thing I’m deathly allergic to so I tend to run away from them, but I do know they are important and do enjoy honey so I totally understand if not allergic to keep them alive. :)


Tiffany: I tolerate bees but if it had been a wasp, I would have killed it without a second thought. My eldest brother died of anaphylactic shock from Yellowjacket stings when I was 23. All wasps are fair game to me, but bees get a pass!

White Antlers

ashmanra Oh Lord! What an awful way to lose a sibling! (Not that there’s a ‘good’ way…) I’m with you on killing wasps. In my home no spider is ever harmed, but ants, silverfish and centipedes are not tolerated. Fortunately, the cats make short work of the harmless but ugly waterbugs that arrive in spring and summer.

Mastress Alita

In my house, spiders must follow the Ninja Code… as long as they aren’t seen, we can both live in harmony. If they break the Ninja Code and are seen, they must die an honorable death, so theier ancestors will understand the importance of keeping to the Code.


White Antlers and Mastress Alita: Spiders are welcome here, but also they do have to follow the ninja code to an extent! My kitchen spiders (I have two) are allowed to come out as long as they stay “at home.” They MUST NOT be seen in my bedroom. They are quite lives in the sink over the sink and the other lives in the bricks of the fireplace, occasionally visiting the plant window.


Oh wow, ashmanra, I’m sorry you lost your brother like that. But the bee story was wonderful.


I’m imagining Mastress Alita handing the spiders tiny little swords for them to fall upon in honor!
That’s adorable that Ashman tucked a bee in!
That is a rough history with yellowjackets! :(

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