Thésaurus Tea Fandom Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 17
Ooh, another dragon blend! And this one has wintergreen, one of my absolute favorite herbal ingredients.
Okay, so first off, I do like this. However, there were maybe two little rolled oolong leaves in my sample, and most of it was spearmint dust. I admit, I’m a little frustrated with this advent because the sample size is so small, and too often I feel like I don’t get a good distribution of the ingredients… Which is kind of a big deal when it’s a company that seems to rely so much on the actual ingredients vs. just flavoring. Anyway, back to the tea. :P
This one is lovely. Unsurprisingly, I don’t really taste the oolong. However, I love the blend of the spearmint with the wintergreen and thyme. It’s sweet and savory at the same time, and the wintergreen adds an additional hit of freshness and gives much more dimension to the classic spearmint flavor profile. So really, it ends up being a lovely riff on a mint tisane IMO, because there was basically no oolong in mine. :P
Flavors: Cooling, Fresh, Herbaceous, Mint, Savory, Spearmint, Sweet, Thyme, Wintergreen