Picked this up at the Toronto Tea Festival, and also went to a talk by the founder of the company all about his adventures in processing Canadian fireweed (and other local plants) in the style of various teas. The dry leaf is large and twisted, kind of like a Taiwanese black tea, and has very little aroma. As it steeps, the scent is definitely reminiscent of black tea, but with a herbal or vegetal edge that reminds me of walking through a forest. The flavour is a bit malty, a bit fruity, a bit sweet… definitely much richer and more complex in flavour than your average herbal tea. I like it a lot! Turns out I leafed this a bit heavier than recommended – I did 3g in a 300ml mug with water just off the boil, which is what I’d do with regular black tea, but then I checked the package and they recommend 1.5g for 250ml. Oops. No regrets though, this is really great and an excellent bedtime tea.
Flavors: Fruity, Malty, Sweet