Dan Cong Feng Huang

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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9 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Still roasty , mellow and delicious. While sipping it I am thinking of Steepster, people here and tasting notes. Since I joined Steepster 2 years ago a lot of folks here who have just “disappeared”...” Read full tasting note
  • “I layered the bottom of my handled gaiwan with leaves instead of using just a teaspoon’s worth for the cup, and then steeped for half the recommended time. More tea leaf, less time. The taste is...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was a sample, very kindly provided by the Theodor shop when I was not quite sure about the scent of this. And after dividing the sample in two and having it twice I am still a bit unsure about...” Read full tasting note
  • “Confession: I’m getting kind of bored with my sipdown extravaganza. Well, maybe not bored, just missing my regular black teas, LOL. On the other hand, I’ve made it through 49 teas, & it feels...” Read full tasting note


Coming from the Phoenix Mountains, in the Guangdong province, this remarkable tea is plucked on ancient and very particular wild tea-trees, which have been carefully looked after.

Its name: “Dan Cong”, which means “Unique leaf” is the perfect proof: to ensure its hints remain outstanding, each tea-tree, as well as the dirt it grows in, is selected, looked after and preserved individually as time went by …

Usually, Dan Cong are renowned for their flowery hints, but this one, selected by the Impertinent Parisian, is different : evoking all the daily pleasures through its chocolate, roasted and coffee hints, its astonishing aromas, coupled with a soft texture, will leave you breathless and make you fall for a moment of greediness.

Recommended brewing time: from 2 to 3.30 minutes with a water at 80°C (175°F)

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9 Tasting Notes

408 tasting notes

Still roasty , mellow and delicious.

While sipping it I am thinking of Steepster, people here and tasting notes.
Since I joined Steepster 2 years ago a lot of folks here who have just “disappeared” and I was thinking of their last note. Did they know it was their last one? Did they feel sick and tired of writing notes ? Did they decide to only drink tea for themselves ? Did they have a major issue ? No chance to know the answer.

I’m feeling myself more and more lazy with my notes, saying less and less. Am I tired of teas ? I feel more like I would like to spend more time with some teas probably rather than trying news so often.
Sorry I am boring tonight :(

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec

not boring! just waxing poetic :)


I’ve been on here for a long time now, but I have not been writing down all the teas that I have been drinking. I think I just haven’t had much time to write these days. Perhaps a bit lazy too.


Ysaurella and boring never belong together :-)

I also wonder about our friends who disappear…and i think I understand what you are experiencing. Most of the time, I just want to enjoy my tea and not think about what I want to write. That’s why I don’t review much. There’s nothing wrong with spending more time with your tea, as long as you don’t forget to pop up once in a while to say hi, other wise, YOU KNOW I will give you a little poke out of concern, we cannot afford to loose you to the disappearing ones :-)

Terri HarpLady

I understand how you feel, & I have been thinking lately that I have written multiple reviews on many teas, & have nothing left to say about them. Yet, I still want to drink them, I still love them. But I don’t want to be redundant.


It is easy to get caught up in the every day concerns of life :-(


I know I have less to write about here – I have less new teas, I am drinking my stash, have some definite views about where and how to spend my next tea splurges. So well, there is only so much one can talk about tea. I hope to not disappear without saying a word though (and autumn, autumn is always my tea restocking time of the year) – and madam, we absolutely must have tea together one day, in Paris or Lisbon (or Sintra, yeah that would be the place!)!

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477 tasting notes

I layered the bottom of my handled gaiwan with leaves instead of using just a teaspoon’s worth for the cup, and then steeped for half the recommended time. More tea leaf, less time.

The taste is less sharp, but I still get none of the fruity sweetness that I love about dan congs. It’s got more of a raw cocoa taste, and gritty mouth-feel. Ahwell, it’s still an interesting cup, and I’ll get a few more steeps out of this cup one yet, I think.

Edit: It’s becoming a little astringent and bitting again as it cools, but not outright bitter. Lends more to the cocoa feel.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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362 tasting notes

This was a sample, very kindly provided by the Theodor shop when I was not quite sure about the scent of this. And after dividing the sample in two and having it twice I am still a bit unsure about this but sort of glad I did not get 100 grams of this – in most shops it would have indeed been the best choice, but not in that particular one.

My first attempt at this failed, I used too much water. This my second and final attempt worked much better. It is a chinese dark oolong, with a definite personality. It is wonderfully complex and very smooth. There is this richness to its flavours, which OK yes reminds me of chocolate, dark (not malty) chocolate. And there is a note as well which reminds me of tobacco, raw tobacco (I do not mean smoke!), and this is where it baffles me. Like seaweed notes, I do not like tobacco notes.

I can not really rate this properly, it is a wonderful high quality tea, which I am drinking with pleasure but which just escapes being a tea I love, because of my own personal likes and dislikes.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec

did you use such an hot water for both testings ? on my bag Theodor said to use water at 75°C and I didn’t get the tobacco notes – however I was careful and didn’t steep it more than 3 min. do you want me to send you some more to retest it ?


That might be it, I used almost boiling water! My bag had no temperature and it looked like black tea (well, it was not!) so of course did not check.

Your offer is veyr kind, but no need – I liked this enough, better not risk falling in love with it far in advance of how soon I can justify a Theodor order!

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3294 tasting notes

Confession: I’m getting kind of bored with my sipdown extravaganza. Well, maybe not bored, just missing my regular black teas, LOL. On the other hand, I’ve made it through 49 teas, & it feels good to be making progress! I don’t really expect to clear out my entire stash, that will take the rest of my life, but it will be very freeing to get through all these samples.

For this one, I’m delving into the new box from Sil. So many of the teas in that box are in too large of a quantity for a sipdown, & are mostly flavored teas, but I wanted a cup of something with some substance to it, so I fished around & came up with this one, which is the final cup of a sample Ysaurella shared with Sil. I love how our tea samples can have a history of their own!

This is a nice roasty oolong. It doesn’t really taste like coffee or chocolate to me, but that is probably because of allergies muting my sense of taste. It is a tasty cup, & somewhat satisfying, so I’m enjoying it, & that is good enough for me!


haha yeah i get tired of sipdowns sometimes…


i’m trying to slow down with adding things to your box. it helps that i haven’t opened teas i’ve purchased and since most of my swaps have been flavoured recently, i don’t add those to yours (except adagio..you wanted those!!)


nice to read another review about this lovely tea. Glad you liked it :)

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15267 tasting notes

Now THIS is a roasty oolong that i would seriously consider getting more of. I like that there’s a hint of that charcol note, but it’s not overly coming through and what IS coming through in the taste is smoother and less…charcol like than others i’ve had? This is a really smooth tasting cup of delicious. I pretty much made it, sat down to start thinking about it and writing something, and it’s already all gone. Thank you ever so much for sending this one to me Ysaurella I think i really DO need to place that theodor order soon!!


That sounds delicious.


We’re all so ridiculously spoiled by Ysaurella. She’s like the fairy godmother of tea. <3


yeah…i always feel like our swaps are one sided…so much deliciousness coming from her


Let’s send her a PONY.


bwahahahahaha oh man just totally imagining that


haha too funny


lol I imagine the face of my cat…ding dong…opening the door and find a Pony….
This tea is wonderful, I love it very much and surely it would become a staple in my cupboard.
I’m very pleased you like it so much

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