This is another tea that I’ve discovered at the bottom of the tea drawer. It’s been in there for far too long without me trying it by now! I’m a bit hesitant about this one because of the rosehips. I’ve found that teas with rosehips in them are always just too tart for me. This tea also has an odd aroma – I can detect vegetal green tea and a hint of sweet fruit, but there is also a strong underlying smell that almost reminds me of a car garage. Like a heavy oil and tire smell, maybe? I know it sounds odd, but it’s just the first thing that came to mind when I smelled this cup. The flavor was definitely less tart than expected, with a nice full vegetal green tea flavor. There is a slightly tart rosehip finish and a smooth, almost buttery aftertaste. I tried adding some sweetener, but it seemed to bring out more of an artificial flavor, so I think it’s best with nothing added. Overall I am just not a fan of this tea. There seems to just be something a little off in the flavor, and I can’t get the smell of a car garage out of my head. Thank you for the sample, though, Nicole! I’m glad I finally got around to trying this one!
-Dry blend has a mixture of green tea leaves and twigs with rosehips and dried raspberries.
-Dry leaves smell lightly of tart raspberries. Tea liquor aroma is of vegetal green tea with a hint of sweet fruit.
-Tea liquor is a clear dark yellow color.
-Full vegetal green tea flavor with a slightly tart rosehip finish. Smooth buttery aftertaste.
-Best plain.
-Poor tea. Lightly flavored with a strange hint of something off. Sweetener brings out an artificial note.