Darjeeling Snowview FTGFOP1, 2nd Flush

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by alice
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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From The Tea Centre

Organic. A full muscatel flavour. medium strong and well ripened.

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4 Tasting Notes

15596 tasting notes

mmm! this is the second flush from Alice that i drank to compare against the first flush darjeeling that she sent my way. This one has a darker taste to it. The muscatel taste isn’t overly strong in this one, but there is a nice balance of astringency mixed in with the taste here. There’s no floral notes in this, which makes this slightly more enjoyable to me than the other, but not by much :)
Thanks Alice! these are both delightful.


I’m glad you liked them. I thought you might prefer the 2nd flush since I find the first is more comparable to something like a green oolong than a black tea. I love the second flush but the first flush has been growing on me, especially iced.

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58 tasting notes

I was trying to brew this to get a tiny bit more astringency out of it. I upped the temperature by 5C and steep time by 30 seconds and I’m sipping a completely different drink!

I got more astringency than I bargained for, less sweetness and a fuller bodied almost malty flavour. Overall the flavours are much flatter than my previous brew and astringent enough that if I don’t chug it down while still very hot, I’m not going to enjoy it as it cools. Next time I’ll stick to 85C and try 3 minutes.

It just goes to show how temperamental some teas can be.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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