Darjeeling, Thurbo Estate, Muscatel, 2nd Flush, FTGFOP1

Tea type
Black Tea
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Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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  • “The description on the site calls this Summer flush Darjeeling, “full-flavored” and “bold” and I would say that’s the case compared to the Spring Flush Darjeeling we had yesterday. So far I’d say I...” Read full tasting note

From TeaSource

This is a very full flavored 2nd flush. It has lots of body and weight for a Darjeeling, and its muscatel notes come through the aroma and cup very prominently. If you like bold 2nd flushes, this is the tea for you.

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1 Tasting Note

108 tasting notes

The description on the site calls this Summer flush Darjeeling, “full-flavored” and “bold” and I would say that’s the case compared to the Spring Flush Darjeeling we had yesterday. So far I’d say I prefer the summer flushes to the oolong-like spring flush I tried. However, I wouldn’t say this tops my memory of the two other summer flushes I’ve tried, a Sungma from Adagio and a Selim Hill from TeaSource. My aunt said something interesting—that this tea reminded her of “cake.” Certainly some descriptions of Summer Flush Darjeelings from Thurbo suggest it’s “raisin-y,” “chocolate-like,” and like “ripe apples” and I think there’s enough truth in those descriptions I could see why someone might be reminded of a freshly baked cake. This has a lingering honey taste and truly is a delicious tea I could easily see drinking every day. I’ll have to see when I try my new packet of Selim Hill if the Thurbo is the ultimate winner among Darjeelings I’ll be reordering.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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