Golden Monkey (Reserve)

Tea type
Black Tea
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Honeysuckle, Plum, Stonefruit, Sugar
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Edit tea info Last updated by sophistre
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 5 g 12 oz / 350 ml

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From The Tao of Tea

Origin: Fujian Province, China

Plucking Season: Summer

Introduction: Grown near the Tai Mu mountains of Fujian province, China, Golden Monkey is also known as ‘Panyong Wang’, the king of high grade black teas.

Golden Tipped Varietal
Only certain tea plant varietals can produce golden colored tip leaves. The golden color emerges during processing after an accurate ‘withering’ (moisture drying of the leaves). Few areas in Fujian contain these types of tea plants. Other areas known to have golden tipped varietals are Yunnan and Hunan provinces in China and Assam in India.

The Term Monkey
The tea term ‘Monkey’ in China, refers to the fuzzy, golden down ‘leaf hair’ on the leaves. The golden down provides texture and smoothness to the brew.

Best Season
Golden Monkey is in season during the spring (april-may). Since it is a heavily oxidized (dark) tea, it maintains its flavor well over the months.

Judging Quality
Since there are several grades of Golden Monkey available. We recommend those with long, full leaves, consistent gold color and sweet aroma .
Flavor Profile: Uplifting, full bodied brew with honey sweetness and a very pleasant aftertaste.

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10 Tasting Notes

3010 tasting notes

Hard to get started this morning; so I treated myself to a morning cup of something really good. This is a yummy liquid illustration of “God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” Surely Paul had a cup of this in front of him when he was writing 1 Timothy!

(Actually, probably not … try as I might to verify it, I don’t think tea hit that part of the Mediterranean until much, much later.)


I told my girls I bet the “trees by the river of God whose leaves are for the healing of the nations” in Revelation must be tea trees! :)

Jim Marks

If the Greeks and Romans had access to tea, they wouldn’t have been all aggro on every body, ne?

“Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Revelation 22:1-2

Which, by the way, is mostly just quoting Ezekiel 47, Zechariah 14 and Psalm 46


Amen and amen!

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158 tasting notes

Yet another tea I’ve had in my cabinet and enjoyed for a while, but didn’t seem to have listed in my cupboard, or written a tasting note for. I’m so very lazy.

It brews up to a lovely reddish amber-gold, and the smell is sweet, sweet, sweet — that darker, chewy sweetness of sweet potato, with a strong backbone of malt.

In my experience, Golden Monkey is usually pretty easy to oversteep, going from bready malty sweet-potato loaf awesome to bitter and harsh in thirty seconds flat, but there isn’t a hint of that in my cup today. Just smooth, darkly sweet tea goodness.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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18 tasting notes

So I brew a lot of leaf at once to really make the flavor come out for a review. I don’t know if I would brew this strong otherwise but if you do it comes out a dark ruby red, that reminds me of hibiscus tea. The honeysuckle aspect combined with a mouthwatering tartness and a rich sweet smell make me think this tea tastes like plums, or other stone fruit.
When you brew it this strong it wakes you right up which is good.
The sliders on this site are almost impossible to operate on mobile and we really just need a text field. I brewed it at 185 degrees freedom for 4 minutes but I couldn’t wrangle the slider with my thumb.

Flavors: Honeysuckle, Plum, Stonefruit, Sugar

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 30 sec 5 g 12 OZ / 350 ML

Your name is fun to say. Nice to meet ya!


Just a down home tea drinker from the backwoods

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5 tasting notes

My breakfast tea. My go to tea. My every day tea…that is until they ran out! waiting for this to come back in stock, lalala

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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115 tasting notes

This is an excellent Golden Monkey! Grown near the Tai Mu mountains of Fujian province, China,it is also known as ‘Panyong Wang’, the king of high grade black teas.

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