Get Some Zzz's - No. 5 (Wellness Collection)

Tea type
Herbal Rooibos Blend
Chamomile, Passion Flower, Rooibos, Valerian Root
Mint, Smooth, Sweet, Spearmint
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Tea Bag
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 251 ml

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From The Republic of Tea

Herb Tea for Rest
Say goodnight to tossing and turning. Brew a pot of our caffeine-free herbal blend and breathe a sigh of sweet relief as the bouquet of organic rooibos, soothing chamomile, passionflower and the mellowing properties of valerian gently lulls you toward blissful effects. Valerian won’t interfere with REM sleep, so you won’t have to contend with the morning “hangover” that often results from sleep-aids.

Ingredients: Rooibos (leaf), Orange (peel), Spearmint (leaf), Chamomile (flower), Passionflower (herb), Stevia (leaf) Valerian Root Extract.

About The Republic of Tea View company

The Republic of Tea is a progressive and socially conscious business recognized for being the leading purveyor of more than 200 premium teas and herbs, ready-to-drink iced teas and more. Founded in 1992, The Republic of Tea sparked a tea revolution in America with the purpose of enriching people’s lives through the experience of premium teas and a Sip by Sip Rather Than Gulp by Gulp lifestyle.

22 Tasting Notes

2977 tasting notes

Couldn’t decide between a cup of this or a cup of warm milk to help me fall asleep, so I compromise by making this into an unsweetened latte.

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more

Is it effective, zzzzz-wise?


well, it didn’t really work last night. But I’m weird like that. Valerian is the only herb that does seem to help me sleep, and when it works (abt 7 times out of 10) it works, but when it doesn’t, I just toss and turn. I think it has to do with how late I ate, what’s on my mind, etc. shrug
Also, as a latte, this was kind of weird tasting. I doubt I’ll add milk again.


Gmathis: my hubby had some and he said it did not make him groggy or put him to sleep but when he fell asleep he slept deeply and restfully. He liked it and said he felt very rested the next day with no hungover feeling.


Once I did fall asleep , I had a very long, detailed dream that had a plot, setting, and dialogue. That is very rare for me. Usually they are just impressionistic nonsense.


Janefan: LOL! I hope it was a GOOD dream! Heck, I’ll drink a cup of this if it will make me sleep deeply and be entertained at the same time! :). You know, I think I remember my husband saying it made him dream, too. Or that may have been when he hurt his back and had to take hydrocodone.

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902 tasting notes

Yes, I fully realize that I should not be drinking a tea called "get some zzz’s whilst still at work.

Do I care at this point? Not really.

8 min or more

Sounds like you need to go home!


I do need to go home. Will you tell my boss?


lol, yep

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147 tasting notes

I like the idea of all these Wellness teas. Just do. Looking out for my health lately and it gives me an excuse to drink more tea. And I like that they’re caffeine free and herbal.

This has to be my favorite of the line. I drink this nightly…and I even got my husband hooked on it too. He’s asleep within minutes of drinking this tea. I usually am too. It’s light and yes there’s rooibos but I find it delightful in this blend. Right off my husband was like “lemon…and mint?” I didn’t even notice it till he said it but yes…there’s a little touch of mint that’s so delicate. It makes the tea seem crisp. I love the chamomile. It’s just pretty well blended and I think I’ll have to order another tin pretty soon

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58 tasting notes

This tea actually did seem to help me relax, and for someone with a history of insomnia, that is a welcome change. I’ve never been a fan of prescription sleep aids as they don’t deliver a good quality of sleep for me. The lady at the tea store sold it as a natural alternative to Valium. Not quite sure I agree that it lives up to that, but still, this one was well received around my home. Also, the minty aroma is quite lovely.


She probably said that because the tea contains Valerian, a root extract that is sometimes called “nature’s Valium”.

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20 tasting notes

This tea has a lovely, spearmint-dominated fragrance and flavor. Just smelling the tin is great. I can’t discern any particular flavor in it under the spearmint, just hints of other flavors with nothing that jumps out strongly. While this tea does not really make me sleepy if I am not already so, I have noticed that I seem to sleep BETTER and be more rested if I drink it before going to bed. I really enjoy this tea; I’m glad I bought a whole tin and I may buy a bulk bag in the future.


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45 tasting notes

Okay, putting this tea to the test right now. I’ve been having trouble getting good sleep this past week. I’m having a lot of dreams (more than normal) and I’m waking up at lot too. Not sure why though, because I can’t really think of anything that’s changed with my habits.

Anyway, with all these sleep issues this week, today was a test. I work nights, and I had to come off a night shift to work days 24 hours later. I don’t know about anyone else but I can’t make my body work like that. What I’ve noticed is I usually sleep worse the more tired I am. If I’m too sleepy I can’t get to sleep and once I finally do fall asleep I wake up two hours later, can’t go back to sleep and I feel so groggy. But, back on my night schedule (24 hours later) again tomorrow and still exhausted, but can’t sleep.

Considering I haven’t finished the cup (too hot still) I can’t review the effects of the tea as far as sleep goes, but I will say I am starting to feel a little relaxed. I’m thinking it’s because of the warm sensation. It also leaves a nice aftertaste on your tongue. Has a nice sweet touch to it that’s not overpowering at all. It’s nicely sweetened without it making me feel like I’m drinking a cup of sugar that’s going to keep me awake. I also taste a little minty flavor in this tea…which I love because minty teas are one of my favorites.

Well, I guess I’ll leave it at this; I love the taste of this tea and will be buying more just for the flavor if it doesn’t work tonight. Other than that, I’ll leave another note tomorrow on how it helped my sleep issues. Wish me luck tea lovers!!!


So, I had this tea last night and I’m really amazed that it worked! I was a little skeptical considering sleeping pills don’t ever work for me. I slept the entire night, getting a full 8 hrs. of sleep and I woke up feeling great. I am a fan and will continue buying this tea until it’s discontinued.

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3371 tasting notes

My husband dislikes flowery teas and won’t drink many herbals, but he likes this tea. He was having trouble sleeping due to stress at work, but this tea helps him sleep like a baby! He doesn’t feel groggy and it doesn’t put him out, but when he falls asleep he said he sleeps deeply and awakens feeling rested.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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12 tasting notes

Received this as a free sample with their catalog. Made without milk and added honey. Was ok- I’m not a chamommile fan, so not my favorite.

9 OZ / 266 ML

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41 tasting notes

Decent tea. Not a big fan of teas that already include sweetener, because I prefer my teas (especially herbal) unsweetened. It makes a fine iced tea though.

I usually don’t like rooibos, but I find blends that include some sort of mint to make it more palatable in my opinion. But I’ve never found a mint tea I didn’t like!

Flavors: Mint, Smooth, Sweet

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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152 tasting notes

This tea is a good relaxant so it gets some points for that to counterbalance the relatively uninspired flavor profile. The spearmint is on the muted side and the stevia gives it a slightly ‘sweetened’, as opposed to naturally sweet, flavor. It’s pleasant enough, just wouldn’t buy it for the flavor alone.

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